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Will Capital One Ruin ING?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:21 pm
So I have been buying quite a bit of AG lately. And alot of fellow RC'rs I've noticed say they accept/prefer ING transfer. So I got looking into opening an account thinking that would be easier than sending out a weekly physical check to Beauanderos :D :lol: for my weekly shipment of Budget Silver. I have read several good things about ING with their interest bearing checking accounts and free checking/saving and so on. Well as I went tonight to look at their home page, I see it now has the Capital One logo on it.

I think they were technically bought out over a year ago, but my question to all of you, especially those that actually have an account, do you think they will do away with all the good things ING has always offered? Should I waste my time even opening an account? To those of you who have accounts there, have you noticed any changes?

Thanks in advance

-The Great

Re: Will Capital One Ruin ING?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:27 am
by RedRockGirl
I have no idea about your question, but if you find a way to solve the weekly check to Ray problem (short of stop buying) let me know. :lol:

Re: Will Capital One Ruin ING?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:13 am
by natsb88
Supposedly there won't be any changes except the name and logo.

Re: Will Capital One Ruin ING?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:31 am
by TXBullion
I have a personal with dislikewith Capital one. Thats the only CC i ever actually closed my account with . I have been contemplating closing my ING since Capital is involved. I would prefer not to have any affiliation with them. If I go a few more months without having to use my ing (missing out on a good deal) i will probably close up with them....

Re: Will Capital One Ruin ING?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:50 am
by beauanderos
CLINT-THE-GREAT wrote: easier than sending out a weekly physical check to Beauanderos :D :lol: -The Great

A few people have set up layaway plans in the past... but that was to avert weekly $6.10 charges. Hardly seems worth it to avoid 45 cents. The beauty of mini-sales is you don't have to exert much self-control to sit down and write a check... committing to an inexpensive form of dollar-cost-averaging :D

Re: Will Capital One Ruin ING?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:09 pm
by Hawkeye
I've had ing savings accounts for a long time and I hope they keep up the good work with Capital One (but I'm not holding my breath). I've been looking into opening an electric orange checking account, as I've heard good things, but have been holding off to see how much C1 would change them. It looks like they've kept about everything the same, so I'll probably go ahead and do it.

Re: Will Capital One Ruin ING?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:19 pm
by chris6084
I have a Capital One savings account. I have never had any issues with them, and keep the account for two reasons: One, free coin counters. Two, a savings account for my emergency cash that pays 20 times what Bank of America pays.