Silver Plunges As Yen Stop Surge Triggers Margin Liquidation

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Silver Plunges As Yen Stop Surge Triggers Margin Liquidation

Postby Kurr » Mon May 20, 2013 1:11 pm ... ion?page=3

Not a moment after someone was slammed with a massive margin call following the hit of 102 USDJPY stops as we noted moments ago, was that same someone(s) forced to dump a whole lot of silver in thin, no volume trading taking out the entire bid stack on what can only be described as "get me the hell out and pay me anything" liquidation, sending the precious metal to just over $20, before yet another round of buying programs kicked in, and sent it right back up, allowing those quick enough to capitalize on some foolish macro trader's blowing up to pocket a huge profit before Japan has even woken up.

**Screenshot at link**
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