Surviving 'till the Deindustrial Age

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Surviving 'till the Deindustrial Age

Postby johnbrickner » Sat May 25, 2013 9:21 pm

I've completed several books recently on the current decline we are experiencing. Three express it will take a long time to hit the bottom (The Long Slow Train Wreck). How long? Seems the average time to hit bottom for an Empire/civilization is about 250 years. Some take more, some less.

I am now fairly convinced we will experience a decline instead of a collapse. What does that mean? More small ups, leveling off or tapering off 'till the next emergency then a drop off leading to another small up or level off then another drop. On a chart it would look like several small water falls over time instead of the big drop to the bottom as in a collapse. Of course I'm still preparing for the worst, just in case. Only a fool wouldn't (IMHO).

So prep now, but prep for the next seven generations or so also (long-term strategic thinking). Teach your children well so they can teach theirs. I mean, why else are we doing this, just so we can survive? No. I want me and ALL of mine to continue along with the best parts of Humanity (or Hugh Manatee as my daughter calls him,) as all call for a major die off of civilization over time.

The authors of the books come from different and interesting backgrounds: Archeologist; Ecological Scientist; and now a Druid. John Greer (The Long Decent) is the Grand Archdruid of The Ancient Order of Druids in America (as of 2008). In 2004, he wrote an open letter to his fellow Druids informing them about and what they can do regarding the decline. It is more or less a good synopsis of his book.

Given he's reserved all rights regarding it, if you have an interest find it here instead of my doing a copy and paste:

I hope you find it as interesting as I have.
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