If we shrank US debt by a $1 per a second
Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:01 pm
If the fed could reverse engines and start chipping away the national debt by a dollar a second, it would still take over 31,000 years to take it down a trillion dollars. So, if they could reverse engines and cut the debt by a $1000 per a second, it would take 31 years to chip away a trillion dollars. This is if we could cut spending and still service debt interest at the same time. What are the chances that enough payments or cuts will get done to even make principal payments go down? I mean, if Washington has some plan to contain the debt, what does it look like? Are they hoping that the economy can grow enough to produce tax revenue to pay off things? The longer the debt accrues, the more and more it looks like we are never going to pay down the debt and one day something has to give, either a black swan or painful tax levying.