I yanked the rest of my paper positions off the table this morning and was kind of regretting it later but now that Russia has saved the day, everyone has forgotten that we are $17 trillion in debt (and climbing super fast), interest rates are rising, everyone is back to work.... , etc., etc.... Pretty sad but I trust Putin with the nasty stuff more than I would trust Obummer...
Is this setting up to be another buying opportunity or are we in for another bloodbath for a while? Commercials seem to be long and I think the speculators are as well. Will they bail or are they on the right path? I haven't been this indecisive in quite a while so I guess I will just sit it out and watch from the sidelines.
What's Obummer going to use for the next round of distractions to keep everyone off all of the scandals going on?
So where are we going folks?