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Found Jamaican $20 coin in the reject slot/cause to reflect

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:27 pm
by 68Camaro
First of its type that I've seen, myself. I get all kinds of the smaller Jamacian coin steel crap off the magnet, but this is a nice bimetallic coin like a toonie. Decently made, cu-ni center with brass ring. I was then struck by the change in value, and I had to plot it over time. Hard to believe that in the 70s the Jamaican dollar actually exchanged at more than the USD.
So I had to plot it. This isn't true hyperinflation in the 1923 Weimar Germany sense, but it's debasement as a rate that isn't practically any better than hyperinflation. Apparently in Jamaica you'd best not plan to keep any assets stored in Jamaican dollars!

Jamaica vs USD.jpg
Jamaica vs USD.jpg (62.22 KiB) Viewed 412 times

Today, a Jamaican dollar is worth less than a cent. This $20 piece is now worth 19 cents US (and that's 19 cents of a debased USD to boot).

Think it can't happen here? It already is - it's in slow motion now, but the steam will be picking up. Get ready...

Re: Found Jamaican $20 coin in the reject slot/cause to refl

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:55 pm
by henrysmedford
We thought we were rich when we found some. :mrgreen:

Re: Found Jamaican $20 coin in the reject slot/cause to refl

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:38 pm
by Morsecode
Whoa! Now that is revealing.

And for once, a realcent graph that makes sense :thumbup:

Re: Found Jamaican $20 coin in the reject slot/cause to refl

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:20 am
by smalltimeopn
I found a $5.00 Jamaica coin in the reject bin the other day. It is the size of a nickel and is magnetic with a 1996 date. I wonder how much food that single $5 coin would buy there ??

Re: Found Jamaican $20 coin in the reject slot/cause to refl

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:00 am
by slickeast
When you found it did you say " yeah mon " ?

Re: Found Jamaican $20 coin in the reject slot/cause to refl

PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:40 pm
by smalltimeopn
No I said, "this be us some day soon" :shock: