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Cops unload weapon on DC driver AFTER child pulled from car.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:10 pm
by CtrlAltBernanke
First hand account of police pulling out child from car and then unloading their weapons at unarmed Miriam Carey. ... uted-woman

Re: Cops unload weapon on DC driver AFTER child pulled from

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:41 pm
by Neckro

Re: Cops unload weapon on DC driver AFTER child pulled from

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:15 pm
by JerrySpringer
Call me crazy, but Arab Spring and Benghazi were stirred up by butterfly effect moments, supposedly. Doesn't something like this piss people off enough given the NSA and ACA and lackluster economy?

Re: Cops unload weapon on DC driver AFTER child pulled from

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:50 am
by ScrapMetal
JerrySpringer wrote:Call me crazy, but Arab Spring and Benghazi were stirred up by butterfly effect moments, supposedly. Doesn't something like this piss people off enough given the NSA and ACA and lackluster economy?

It probably pisses off plenty of people, but not enough to make them leave their family, jobs, security of their homes to go protest.
The other problem is that the government has the capacity to make ones life very difficult if you show any dissent. And there is no doubt
that they will.

So you must ask yourself, would you be willing to give up your entire life's work to protest the murder of one person?

Re: Cops unload weapon on DC driver AFTER child pulled from

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:12 am
by IdahoCopper
Cops need to be tested for steroids, then fired on the spot if positive. If athletes can't use steroids, then neither can cops. Steroids cause blurred thinking, poor decisions, and less controlled reactive behaviors.

This all started 30 years ago when state and local governments started naming bridges, highways, and other works after fallen police officers. Glorifying the people with the power to oppress, shoot, and kill you, can only lead to them thinking they are better, and more deserving than you are.

A good example is the cowardly cops at Columbine high school. Even though they were wearing 95% personal bulletproof armor, none of them entered the school to stop the killings. Those coward-cops erroneously thought their lives were more important, more essential, than the kids they were hired to protect.

If you want to honor and elevate any segment of public servants by naming bridges, etc., honor firemen. They do not shoot anybody.

I think it is time to re-name every artifice from cops to firemen, to show society that the line has been crossed, cops as a group are not worthy of such honors.

Re: Cops unload weapon on DC driver AFTER child pulled from

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:23 am
by beauanderos
IdahoCopper wrote:Cops need to be tested for steroids,



Re: Cops unload weapon on DC driver AFTER child pulled from

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:19 pm
by JerrySpringer
ScrapMetal wrote:
JerrySpringer wrote:Call me crazy, but Arab Spring and Benghazi were stirred up by butterfly effect moments, supposedly. Doesn't something like this piss people off enough given the NSA and ACA and lackluster economy?

It probably pisses off plenty of people, but not enough to make them leave their family, jobs, security of their homes to go protest.
The other problem is that the government has the capacity to make ones life very difficult if you show any dissent. And there is no doubt
that they will.

So you must ask yourself, would you be willing to give up your entire life's work to protest the murder of one person?

It has been asked often about things "Where is the outrage?". The tell is that we are slipping into a police state where everyone will be worried about being shot or carted away if they step out of line. Watch if they take away our guns. I think that is the point of no return.

Re: Cops unload weapon on DC driver AFTER child pulled from

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:02 pm
by frugalcanuck
It happens in Canada too. Toronto cop shoots a kid 9 times because he has a knife on an empty bus. After shooting the kid 9 times they use a tazer gun... if it wasnt caught on video im sure the story would have been the kid attached and then they tazered and then shot 9 times.
It was caught on video with a cell phone and the cop is going to jail for 2nd degree murder.