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PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:09 am
by coppertop1982
Years ago I stumbled onto bitcoins. I researches it and felt Id end up investing money into super mining rigs, none of which would ever keep up with new technology and would always need lots of electricity , time and constant improvements. Made sense then. They've been up and down. They hit $250 range then almost seemed to come crashing down to $75-100 mark then all of a sudden I see these in the $1100 range! Really ? What's the deal with these things ? Insane !

Re: Bitcoin

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:11 am
by gubni
There's a new virus out called cryptolocker and it encrypts your data and you have to pay to get your data back. People don't want to give out their credit card and the scammers accept bit coin payment.