Reset of all world currencies ~ Sooner than later!

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Reset of all world currencies ~ Sooner than later!

Postby Copper Catcher » Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:36 am

I hope and pray that I am wrong!

Yet, this has been in the works for some time. Note that I am NOT advocating you go out and buy all the gold and silver you can get your hands on…….Quite frankly I’m not sure what to do. If our dollar were devaluated by 30%, MORE..... What can you really do long term? You can’t eat gold and silver. I know it is a hedge but what else can you do?

Supposedly all this will happen overnight globally and the International Monetary Fund will revalue all the world currencies to within 3% to 5% of each other based upon the true assets of each country. This will end the currency wars and give the New World Order full control with a new gold backed currency.

In order for America to begin to survive all the private, state and federal retirement funds will have to be nationalized…….This is the starting point.

A possible preview of what’s to come can be seen outlined in a document that came out of and IMF meeting held on 9th October 2013, with a report is called “Taxing Times”. In this report the IMF recommends the USA does the following: increase taxes; new capital controls; seize retirement funds and bring the national debt down to pre-banking crisis 2007 levels. ... fm1302.pdf

If you still don't think this might happen I would suggest you read the following:

We’re In The Midst of A Global Currency Reset
Read more at ... T0JBLPM.99

New International Reserve Currency and Great Revaluation of global assets ... on-of.html

In a nut shell what I’m reading from various websites and reports breaks it down this way….

The world currencies now have to be valued based on the IMF formula. This formula includes factors such as natural resources, manufacturing capabilities, farming, technology, and stock piles of precious metals. All this will start with the global currency re-set.

This is occurring because of the Basel III formal agreement between countries which started in 2013 and continues until 2015 that delineates the following:

All currencies are to be asset backed. No more fiat currency or printing currency that is not backed by a physical asset. As you know the Federal Reserve Note is based upon thin air i.e. fractional banking until now.

All banking systems will be based on assets so no more fractional banking. The money a bank has to loan is backed by hard assets.

All financial transaction will have transparency unlike the central bank system under the Federal Reserve Board where financial transactions/deals were done behind closed doors. No longer can a bank use depositor’s funds to back up trades for other purposes.

Why would all this happen you might be wondering???

The UN outlined a way to solve all the world’s problems….via redistribution of wealth, in the document below. Surprise!

3) Global and Regional Reserve Systems

48. The global imbalances which played an important role in this crisis can only be addressed if there is a better way of dealing with international economic
risks facing countries than the current system of accumulating international reserves. Indeed, the magnitude of this crisis and the inadequacy of
international responses may motivate even further accumulations. Inappropriate responses by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to the 1997-1999 South East Asian Financial Crisis, have led some countries to accumulate large reserves as a defense against crises and in order to avoid having to recur to the IMF. Other heads of Finance Ministries and Central Banks who have experienced the humiliating loss of sovereignty and policy space that IMF
Adjustment Programs represent also will go to great lengths to avoid them. This makes reforms of the kind described here all the more essential.

49. These dangers of a single-country reserve system have long been recognized, as the accumulation of debt undermines confidence and stability as
evidenced by the current crisis. But a two (or three) country reserve system, to which the world seems to be moving, may be equally unstable. What is clear is that the reserve currencies should not be based on national currencies. This creates situations where financial discipline can be lost with disastrous
consequences for both the reserve currency country and the world economy.

50. To resolve this problem a new Global Reserve System—what may be viewed as a greatly expanded SDR, with regular or cyclically adjusted emissions calibrated to the size of reserve accumulations—could contribute to global stability, economic strength, and global equity. The distribution of the SDRs should not be according to IMF quotas but according to a more democratic, needs based formula. If that is not possible in the IMF framework, the SDRs should be issued by a new World Monetary Board appointed by the United Nations General Assembly.

Found on page 12 May 2009 – United Nations Document ... c80509.pdf

Again, this idea has been kicked around for a very long time!

A recent document by our own Treasury outlines the problems… ... _FINAL.pdf


The Gold Trade Settlement system is moving closer to reality each month. No amount of pressure and obstruction can prevent its progress, its development, and its evolution. The movement to create a non-US Dollar alternative to trade, with serious banking reserves management system consequences, will not be deterred or halted. The Global Currency Reset is an extremely complicated undertaking for the major nations of the world. Most people, and many analysts, believe it involves the currency market and the banking systems. That is true enough. However, my informed sources indicate that the entire Reset initiative involves around 8 to 10 very complex, very thorny, very disruptive factors. The fallout from the reset will bring changes to the world order, changes to the balance of geopolitical power, changes to castle lords, changes to Third World residence, and great unclear threats to nuclear proliferation. To regard the main items as currency exchange rates and defaulting banks is painfully naïve, but all too prevalent. The reset initiative must be done with respect to careful agreements forged and delicate recalibration of the global balance of power. Both sides possess nuclear weapons and other nefarious devices like electro-magnetic pulse weapons.
The winner will be the Gold Market. The loser will be the United States, the United Kingdom, and Western Europe. These regions will tiptoe into the Third World if lucky, and fall head first into the Third World if not careful. They should have thought more fully about the Chinese Most Favored Nation pact back in 1999. The low cost solution as center piece to globalization effectively destroyed the Western economies, by removing the industrial core. It was far more carefully planned than the great majority of people believe. The ultimate goal in my opinion was to wreck the cradle of capitalism in the United States. The compromise was to create the newly industrialized Chinese superpower, which will fall victim to fascism soon enough. It is the natural course, given human nature and the proclivity toward corruption, inefficiency, power, and greed. The winner will be Gold. It will reign over banks again. It will serve as arbiter over trade again. Its bright yellow lights and strong whips will emanate from the East.

With all the gold China is purchasing I’m starting to wonder if it makes sense to own Renminbi? I am not joking either….

China calls for new global currency

Hopefully you are still reading....Some reports on the web say all this will happen within the next 90 days! Holy Crap...... By the way when will we hit the next debt limit?
CBO: U.S. May Hit Debt Limit Between March and June - Washington Wire - WSJ Source: ... -and-june/

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Re: Reset of all world currencies ~ Sooner than later!

Postby johnbrickner » Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:02 pm

Copper Catcher wrote:I hope and pray that I am wrong!

What can you really do long term? You can’t eat gold and silver. I know it is a hedge but what else can you do?


My most aware sister told me your same words "you can't eat silver" but then went on to say "you can plant and replant heirloom seeds".

I also suggest: ... =false&a=v
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Re: Reset of all world currencies ~ Sooner than later!

Postby Mossy » Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:56 pm

johnbrickner wrote:
Copper Catcher wrote:I hope and pray that I am wrong!

What can you really do long term? You can’t eat gold and silver. I know it is a hedge but what else can you do?


My most aware sister told me your same words "you can't eat silver" but then went on to say "you can plant and replant heirloom seeds".

I also suggest: ... =false&a=v

My usual response is that anyone who relies on a single resource to tide them through what is coming is an idiot.

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Re: Reset of all world currencies ~ Sooner than later!

Postby coppernickel » Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:52 pm

Recently I have been reading the Richest Man in Babylon.

One of the rules the Gold Lender teaches is only to lend gold on collateral and only, "where the principle is secure and free from loss."

It hit me pretty hard that when I lend my money to the bank it is deflating by inflation just by being there. Boxes of rolls in cents or nickels in the barn under the hay it is safer.
Silver Monometalism is the most permanent and stable form of money the world has seen. Natural law and history prove silver value is best multiplied by gold and best divided by copper. It is only in this counterfeit currency time when the natural law appears suspended.
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