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Expanding your PM Business

PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:34 pm
by johnbrickner
I'm not sure if this is the appropreate topic to post here but, it's the best one I concluded.

There are several members here who may have an interest in expanding their business to the "prepper" market. Here is an e-mail I just received you may have an interest in:

Hey jbrick57,

I am looking for a few Prepper, Survival, or Homesteading related businesses to participate in our weekly drawings. In exchange for your contributed product or service to our drawings, we can send traffic to your site. Simply reply back to this email and please include the name of your business, website, and what products you are willing to contribute and I will get back with you on the details.

Also, if you have a facebook page that you'd like help building, please let me know. I'm looking for 15 to 20 businesses to assist in building your facebook fan base. The APN has over 37,000 facbook fans and growing faster each week, I can help your business achieve that same goal or better. But I'm only going to work closely with 15 to 20 business owners on this project at this time. Again, just simply reply back to this email and I will get back with the details. If possible, please include a phone number and a good time to call you.

If you don't have a business, but know someone who does, you might want to forward this email on to them.

Here is the reply address:

If this works for you, consider it my payback for all the great service I've received here.