Uraine riots/police battles

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Uraine riots/police battles

Postby blackrabbit » Wed Feb 26, 2014 5:56 pm

This is some of the craziest battles I have ever seen between protestors and police anywhere. I think in most places a lot more protestors would have been killed if they fought like this with cops. :shock:
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Re: Uraine riots/police battles

Postby johnbrickner » Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:57 pm

These Ukrainians in Kiev have had their city ravaged time and again since 800-900 AD thru WWII. More recently irradiated by Chernobyl nuke power plant, where while they were told there was no radiation nor any reason to fear, University employees make jewelry sensitive to radiation that would change color (think mood ring) with exposure to different levels.

I would think when the shtf there will be survivors in Kiev and the surrounding territories aplenty. Were we Americans so passionate about our freedom.
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Re: Uraine riots/police battles

Postby beauanderos » Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:14 pm

what are they even doing on "the front" without any kind of weapons that I saw? (only watched the first few min so far). The portable shields are a great idea... but they appear to be made from aluminum. Sure, they'll protect you from a
billy club but not from lead doing a thousand feet per second. :? :shock:

Once this kind of stuff starts (given enough black swan events) it will spread rapidly. Expect to see our own version within, I'd say... three years. :sick: :shh:
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Re: Uraine riots/police battles

Postby Morsecode » Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:27 pm

It will never happen here on that scale. Even our small town police departments have become militarized beyond the point where the sheeple might stand a chance.

And if you think about it, where would uprisings take place mostly? In the major cities...where weapons restrictions are most severe.

If the ebt cards, the obama cell phones, general welfare and cheap drugs keep flowing, nobody's gonna be in a hurry to take up arms anyway.
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Re: Uraine riots/police battles

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:33 pm

The shields appear to have been taken from the police and/or modeled after them. It's an odd mix of

a) rock throwing by both sides (thus the shields) - even the police were throwing rocks in return (I could hardly believe that)
b) molotov cocktails and fireworks (by the mob)
c) tear gas (by the police)
d) snipers (appears to be police, through there have been claims that was done by the sinister higher ups to their own crew to gain sympathy)

The mob during first 3-5 minutes was getting literally shredded by multiple snipers - people were going down right and left, and laying all over the place. If that footage was real.

What wasn't obvious was the strategy. The mob is apparently seeking publicity to gain strength and support. The police appeared to be largely just guarding that curved glass building, for whatever reason they weren't taking the fight to the mob. A small armored column supported by a couple of platoons of ground troops would have taken out the entire mob, if that had been directed. So they are being told not to.
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Re: Uraine riots/police battles

Postby aloneibreak » Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:00 pm

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSvj8F_B ... e=youtu.be

the 41 minute vid

must sign in to view due to graphic content :roll:

will post liveleak link if I come across it again

ETA: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a25_1393030880

wont comment further here in the economic news forum
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