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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:12 pm
by HelloMeteor
Anyone know anything about this symbol? Is for a company that makes sugar products and it pays dividends. I've been looking to get into some things that pay dividends, and it looks like this one pays large dividends and is extremely consistent. For 5 years it has been paying about $0.03 per share, and it's creeping close to $0.04. Yield is about 8%. Share price is about $5.50. 52 week high is $5.68. It's a little too close to the 52 week high for my taste, but I figure even if it drops significantly, an 8% dividend would make up for a lot of drop, and it would also give the opportunity to lower my DCA and get a higher yield.

It seems hard to find much information about this item, to see if there are any potential pitfalls.