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Article on Rare Earth Metals

PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:10 pm
by PennyPauper
China keeps cutting back on exports,other producers are scrambling to reopen mines.I've noticed most stocks tied to ree's have jumped in last 3 months.
Very interesting back story in our high tech world contaning metals which few know of and even fewer could pronounce(me included).I do own a few shares of GWMGF,only stock I own,but I won't retire on it. ... 2010-09-17

Re: Article on Rare Earth Metals

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:26 am
by Cptindy
Good Post!

It lends credence to the fact that underlying our economic situation, our industrial complex is under attack. On a global scale while we have been dazed with the fascination of FRN's and stockpiling the useless paper. Our competition has manuevered itself to a position that leaves us vulnerable.

Re: Article on Rare Earth Metals

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:17 am
by PennyPauper
We are under attack from within and abroad.By exporting our knowledge and machinery to allow foreigners to do it cheaper while propping up companys bottom lines temporarally.It drove prices down to the point it wasn't cost effective to do it here.Now we are scrambling to regain a foothold,let alone our once dominance.

I listened to former president Clinton on Letterman last nite talk about creating new green jobs,how half of our deficit goes towards oil,and we should be focusing on solar and building windmills.All great until one realises we don't produce enough ree's and china isn't giving up theirs.You can not build a good magnet without them.He sounded good as usual,but has not thought it through,or does not know diddly about windmills.Windmills are most cost effective in producing electric,you get more out than what you put in.I've read arguments that more energy goes into producing solar panels then what comes out.

Its another example IMO how none of this globalism was thought through,blinded by greed politicans and by default we the people let this happen.
We could have been the leaders in the renewable energy field,hybrid cars and new technology,but we outsourced it.Its one place a government boost would have payed huge dividends.

Re: Article on Rare Earth Metals

PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:43 pm
by adagirl
[quote="PennyPauper"]We are under attack from within and abroad.By exporting our knowledge and machinery to allow foreigners to do it cheaper while propping up companys bottom lines temporarally.It drove prices down to the point it wasn't cost effective to do it here.Now we are scrambling to regain a foothold,let alone our once dominance.

Thank you for stating that. I thought I was the lone ranger. I have been saying for awhile now that we are being attacked from within as well as from abroad. To those of us that have excelled past the concrete stage of thinking, are realistic, and have common sense, we can see the causes of our problems and can provide good suggestions to correct the problems. While it is very difficult, I go to great lengths to not send my money to China, which is a start. Unfortunately most are too lazy to take this extra step, or they think you are crazy for offering such advice to keep money at home. Thanks!

Re: Article on Rare Earth Metals

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:12 pm
by oober
Great westen is a good stock, it has done very well, REE's are going to do very well.

Re: Article on Rare Earth Metals

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:02 pm
by beauanderos
Penny Pauper, thanks for mentioning this. I have $450 in my 401K that will buy quite a few 33 cent shares, but little of anything else. Good article, and reaffirms the sentiments shared in this stock recommendation: ... odity-play