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Structuring. Could they go after coin sorters?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:42 pm
by JerrySpringer
Based on suspicious activity: ... 50215.html

From the article:

" He added that making deposits under $10,000 to evade reporting requirements, called structuring, is still a crime whether the money is from legal or illegal sources."

Huh? I can only imagine the hundreds of deposits and withdrawals I have made the past 6 years with banks. Wonder if some of them felt a need to file a report on me.

I wonder too, now , the times I had quite bit of cash in a an envelope on me on my way to the banks to make coin pick-ups whether if ever gotten pulled over and searched that the money would of been seized since I could not prove it was not for/from illegal activities.

My brother once got a visit from the police simply because he asked the bank when they get their coin pick-ups from Brinks, etc., all innocent questions ( my brother was doing CRH'ing a while back. He has subsequently given it up as it eats up too much time). Banks are not our friends.

Re: Structuring. Could they go after coin sorters?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:25 pm
by Morsecode
I'm waiting for an official inquiry into my coin counting, which consists of $500 - $600 every Sat for 3 years, $50 at a time thru 10 branches in 3 hours. Every transaction recorded with my Christmas Club account number. An account that rarely ever grows to $100 :lol:

What does that come to anyway? Minimum 500 x 52 weeks x 3....$75 grand +/-

Nah...that doesn't look at all suspicious. Honest, I just get a really really lot of pocket change every week.

Re: Structuring. Could they go after coin sorters?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:04 pm
by JadeDragon
It took me about an hour to clear well over $10k in coins across the border recently.