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Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:58 pm
by Thogey
Wow what a treat!

Apparently there is a swordfish glut. Usually between 12 and 20 bucks a pound. Out of my price range.

It's pretty cheap recently. My wife just took off to buy swordfish on sale at "Sprouts" for $5.99.

Cheaper than steak. Looking forward to grilled swordfish for Christmas dinner.

Check your grocery circulars.

Re: Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:21 pm
by Shazbot57
Thogey wrote:Wow what a treat!

Apparently there is a swordfish glut. Usually between 12 and 20 bucks a pound. Out of my price range.

It's pretty cheap recently. My wife just took off to buy swordfish on sale at "Sprouts" for $5.99.

Cheaper than steak. Looking forward to grilled swordfish for Christmas dinner.

Check your grocery circulars.

Thanks for the heads-up! I'll take cheap surf to go with my turf anytime!

Re: Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:28 pm
by Recyclersteve
I like seafood, but don't know if I've ever had swordfish. Does it taste "gamey"? Is it easy to cook? Does it have lots of bones?

Re: Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:47 pm
by Shazbot57
I don't think it's "gamey" or fishy tasting and very lean, not fatty at all. Dense thick meat, like steak. Great on the grill! Just follow cooking directions. 4-6 ounces of Swordfish with side dishes is a great meal!

Re: Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 9:13 am
by beauanderos
Not sure, but this might be part of that "easy catch" they talk about in the off-shore Fukushima waters. The fishermen say they are bringing in absolutely
loads of swordfish without any problems at all, they're literally floating on the surface. The bonus? Your meal should provide you with a warm afterglow. Check for two
heads, tho :shifty:


Enjoy your dinner, Thogey :D :lol:

Re: Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 11:35 am
by cooyon
If memory serves, I think there was a problem with high levels of mercury in swordfish, not sure though, I have a good memory but it's short. Anyway, the radiation would probably override the mercury. Like Ray said, enjoy!

Re: Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:03 pm
by Thogey
You guys are dicks!

My carcinogen level low and I definitely need a bit more mercury in my diet.

I going to GORGE myself on it, with real butter! You need to counteract the omega 3 fat.

Re: Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:20 pm
by Shazbot57
cooyon wrote:If memory serves, I think there was a problem with high levels of mercury in swordfish, not sure though, I have a good memory but it's short. Anyway, the radiation would probably override the mercury. Like Ray said, enjoy!

I like mine with white ulcerations so I can see what problems are present. Mercury is undetectable without lab testing. :lol:

All kidding aside, our general rule of thumb for safe seafood is pretty much any fish from colder waters, (although generally not North Atlantic by the mouth of the St Lawrence Seaway, where all of the Mercury/Toxins flow out of the Great Lakes). We like deep water like North Pacific/North Alaska areas, or clear spring-fed trout streams. Otherwise, it's a crap shoot. Pond raised fish can also be good, but be careful of pond farm fish from third world countries. I'm a conservationist (not an environmentalist), and my wife is really aware of seafood safety. Monterey Bay Aquarium lists all the types of seafood and ranks them based on geographic areas, toxins, methods used etc. Internet search their website, but fair warning, they're "greenies" . Enjoy eating after all that info. TMI?

Re: Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:29 pm
by beauanderos

Re: Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:40 pm
by Treetop
Id have filled a corner of the freezer with it. Swordfish is definitely a high mercury fish. The stuff accumulates in your body, and no way to get it out supposedly. Except I use a detox consisting of 20 some odd herbs my mom put together over the years. A short story.... A friend of hers was scoring a 14 on a test that a 15 meant he was fired. He was a welder of some sort and he was reduced to weekly tests, with the company and union ready to drop him for his safety, like 2 or so years before he was to retire if I remember right. Officially chelation therapy is slow and tedious and may or may not work. Well you make the detox with either vinegar or alcolhol and alcohol pulls out more of the useful things from the herbs so its what my mom uses. Her friend didnt even believe a detox was meaningful but my mom can be insistent when she decides something. :roll: Anyway, he takes it and eventually got a 3 on the same test, the detox cleaned the guy out at a deep level, something officially not even possible. Most doctors would tell you it was a fluke, in fact this dudes doctor told him it was.

So in this context, we do try to generally buy the best sourced things we can fish or otherwise, but our bodies have ALWAYS dealt with toxins. Our current society simply has more then most past ones, although probably not all. I mean rome had lead basically everywhere. Im not sure skipping a few specific items that are more contaminated is as useful as regular detoxing. Especially something so tasty and otherwise healthy, that is on sale. :lol: My take anyway, to each his own. Nice score thogey.

Re: Swordfish at $6 a pound!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:32 pm
by Shazbot57