Banking Holiday Approaching?

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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby blackrabbit » Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:54 pm

A very interesting article. I think this just illustrates capital controls which were implemented years ago but may be ratcheting up as of late. I think the examples in the article will get there money but only a little at a time and at the banks convenience. I had a friend in California who was put on the terrorist watch list because he demanded his money in cash from the bank. He had just sold a property and wanted to take out over 30 thousand in cash. The bank said no and made him come back the next day. They eventually gave him the cash but told him they had to notify the feds and that he would be put on a watch list. He got extra special service at the airports after that by the blue gloved masseuses and stopped flying.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby Mossy » Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:19 pm

Thirty thousand is a big chunk of cash for smaller banks. Normal for them to need a day or three to get the money from a federal reserve bank.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby thedrifter » Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:57 pm

Mossy wrote:Thirty thousand is a big chunk of cash for smaller banks. Normal for them to need a day or three to get the money from a federal reserve bank.

You mean they cant just print it in the back room?
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby NotABigDeal » Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:06 am

I have to pre-order cash if the amount is over $15K from my credit union. And it's a large branch. Cash delivery only once a week and they order only what they anticipate they will need.

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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby smalltimeopn » Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:40 am

With this occurring, what specific strategies are you guys using to combat?
(I did read the conclusion, and yes I've been around here for awhile)
Keep large sums of cash at home?
(I remember a thread several months ago asking how much people kept at home)
(recently a guy at work told me you can actually insure cash as he was a former business owner - in case he was robbed - I had never heard of insuring cash)
Thanks for the article.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby johnbrickner » Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:31 am

The follow up article to the above: ... 35118.html .

The author is taking us from what is called the currency wars to WW III. The perps being the banksters. Allow me to allude this seems to tie together the direction Treetop and myself were headed in the following thread: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=32595 . Treetop, you want to expand on this scenario as a possibility?

Interesting is yesterday, I got the urge (paranoia) to withdraw a significant portion of the cash I have in the bank account at my dump bank (with the excellent coin counter that rarely jam and am sitting on a wad I rarely have on hand ever) thinking the New year would present an excellent time to have a bank holiday. Good to see I am wrong on my timing.

Right now I'm about 50%/50% between PMs, base metals, mining stocks on one side and conventional investments and cash on the other. Strategies, same as I've ever done and keep considering the life boat strategy.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby Treetop » Thu Jan 01, 2015 2:51 pm

johnbrickner wrote:
The author is taking us from what is called the currency wars to WW III. The perps being the banksters. Allow me to allude this seems to tie together the direction Treetop and myself were headed in the following thread: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=32595 . Treetop, you want to expand on this scenario as a possibility?

Its just those evil banksters that want war huh? pffft. russia has and does as well. This is a clash of cultures. The picture I personally see emerging... china and russia to a lesser degree thought that owning Us debt meant owning us. They could topple the dollar at any point, for well over a decade Ive heard of how china especially OWNS us. those greedy capitalists are selling us their futures comrades!! the moves made against russia recently show us imo that the west DOES NOT CARE. The russia currency its half its recent value, we caused this knowing they can topple the dollar basically anytime. Russia who used a portion of its wealth, china much more so to own us to have this ability to topple the dollar. They basically in reality it seems just gave us wealth for nothing as many others did. I expect the dollars time is very short, and there are already plans for whatever comes next. This imo likely means the dollars replacement is already contemplated and ready to go, likely backed by something, maybe fuel who knows. Russia and china have for YEARS told us and hinted at what they will do as the dollar falters. They each intended to crush their neighbors to expand their nations, china taking the rest of asia and russia eastern europe. We just showed them one of their big tools is irrelevant. This is all downplayed in our media but both have made direct threats on us in relation to this for years. The whole world thought they owned us since they were in a position to crash the dollar whenever, but now that weve shown we DO NOT CARE, what does russia have? a bunch of commodities bought at near record prices when ours I assume will come later mined with a new currency in place and paying future wages I expect will be lower.

As screwed up as our banking elite are, and they are indeed.... Imo we are seeing a biggger picture a clash of cultures, and well our elites built the chess board, they own the patent and russia brought checkers to the table when they thought they were the chess masters and we were playing marbles. they thought they learned certain lessons from the cold war, or were they trained? lol much more I could elaborate on here but this isnt really the best medium for this type of talk. Our fascism ensures nothing stands in the way of western interests controlling commodities and economies. What some group does within those bounds they rarely seem to care to much, as long as they can pull the strings on key things. As a freedom loving lefty libertarian this disturbs me, but as someone who is seeing a clash of cultures and knows personally my wifes family who fled russias thumb in polland and knows people who fled china I know there is much much worse out there. Perhaps to "big to fail" wasnt hinting at the type of fascism we thought, perhaps this is an attempt to ensure the west doesnt fall on its face in the struggle against complete centrally planned tyrannies and that is indeed what russia and china are.

Remember the money the pentagon lost? the "bailouts" as well where congress could only find out where less then 2% of the money went, and some of that went to prop up foreign banks that werent in as good of positions as US banks. what if the narrative we lead ourselves to believe in the alt media and the few sources that covered it in any depth was wrong? I obviously can only speculate but the context I am now interpreting several details of the past indicate to me this is also likely part of a bigger picture, and our cultures side in this is again far from perfect, but loosing to russia? to china? much worse, look at what they do to their own, and whether or not you realize it russia and china hve both made it clear this is a war that will be fought. they atleast used the threat of it, perhaps not realizing these crazy folks truly are the money masters not simply lining their own pockets as was presented on the surface.

Many more issues of the past that I am seeing in a new light. Many things that never made sense to me now do, and while still controlling and evil, it makes much more sense now. If I am anywhere close to right it also isnt as evil as it seemed on the surface since the very survival of our culture is still in question because of this clash of cultures. the rule of corrupt law versus complete tyrannies. if my line of thought has any merit then russia is likely SHOCKED atm. We just made it clear one of their big tools against us doesnt phase us in the least. We just severely hurt their currency knowing they can do it to us. What does this tell us?

If you doubt our culture has a existential threat from russia or china go spend some time in THEIR media.

anyway much more fits into this if I have any merit to what I see emerging. I doubt we will ever slide into germany style fascism but I expect things will get a bit worse in that regard as well as the article mentions. A tyranny of key aspects of what keep a culture or war machine running is much better then a complete tyranny with no feedback from the populace at all. Life on a leash long enough you can make your own little way in the world (especially for the intelligent or industrious) rather then life in a cage begging for scraps.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby johnbrickner » Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:20 pm

That was very well written and thought my friend. Gives us all plenty of food for thought regardless of the side of the political fence we choose to look from.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby smalltimeopn » Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:32 pm

Yes, I agree. I also read your other link and today's article with more articles coming.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby theo » Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:42 am

While I can see a Bank Holiday occurring in response to a bank run (perhaps during a currency crisis) I don't see it occurring out of the blue. I doubt TPTB will risk destroying the the credibility of the banking system just to seize our $600 checking accounts. If some banks are found to be insolvent I'm sure the FED will find a back door way of recapitalizing them. Perhaps Denmark will use its entire GDP to buy some more bonds. ;)

As for Treetop's post; I thought it was very interesting. We tend focus on the "Austrians Vs Psychotic Banksters" meme and then view everything we see through that prism. However Treetop seems to believe there is at least one, perhaps more, levels of complexity at work here. I think RT (Russia Times) is a good example here with their apparent pro hard money stance. Many of us might have seen RT as an ally in our struggle to restore PMs to their rightful place in our monetary system. However, RT's handling of the Ukrainian crisis demonstrated to me that RT is nothing but a mouthpiece for Putin. I've heard it suggested that RT's pro-PM stance has been used as a tool to destabilize the U.S. politically and economically. This reminds me of the KGB's alleged involvement in the anti-war protests in the late 60s. Did the Soviets honestly believe in the "Make Love not War" message of the students back then? Do we honestly believe that the Russians actually want return to the gold standard today?
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:07 am

I hope there was never any serious beliefs here that Putin or his tools had any of our interests at heart. All these factions, whether tptb, Putin or the Chinese or the banksters, are all about power and what is needed to take it, keep it, expand it.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby johnbrickner » Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:34 am

Just came across this. Seems to have launched in November of last year. Russian news for the world: ... 36434.html
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby fansubs_ca » Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:50 am

NotABigDeal wrote:I have to pre-order cash if the amount is over $15K from my credit union. And it's a large branch.

One time I was at my Credit Union and I heard them tell the guy that ran the lotto
booth in the mall that to withdraw more than $2000 at once he'ld need to pre-order
it. I'm assuming he had to pay out a bunch of prizes in a short period of time and
was running low on cash.

smalltimeopn wrote:With this occurring, what specific strategies are you guys using to combat?

Being too poor for the current cash withdrawl limit to be a problem. Ok, that's
not really a "strategy" per just kinda works out that way. If the limits
get low enough it will start to affect even the bottom class though.

Depending on when a bank holiday hit my "walking around money" could tie me over
for up to 2 weeks, then I'm pretty much using bags of change to pay essentials if it
persists longer. If the banks stayed closed long enough to deplete my coinage it
would probably be unsafe to leave my house before that point because I've got a
pretty good idea of the spot everyone else will be in by then.

If bank balances actually get "wiped" like the article indicates could happen and the
government(s) gives us the middle finger regarding deposit insurance claims at any
given time I usually only have $2000-$3000 in regular bank/credit union accounts
(spread between 3 institutions in 2 countries). Hard to really get it lower than that
when my main transaction account has to have a minimum balance of $1000.
Ideally I need to keep a certain amount of money on standby in my US checking
account to meet any unplanned mail order needs, I've held off on quite a few
mail order wants because it's somewhat difficult to replenish that balance. (In
terms of both trying to save up money and in terms of the logistics of getting
it into the account without extra expense.) A certain amount of risk is going to
have to be accepted here.

Physical Gold/Silver/copper is "outside the system" but in an extended crisis most
metal dealers won't be operating on the buy or sell side so it would be a while before
that money could be unlocked. Once things blow over this can come out of hiding
if needed. Of course where I keep that is multiple places that will not be disclosed
for security reasons.

The big worry is securities in my brokerage account. Depending on how things play
out those could be unaffected (but temporarily illiquid) in which case it would make
the most sense to leave them put. (In Cyprus it was just bank accounts, brokerage
accounts were unaffected.) But if the whole system realy went "MF Global" it would
make more sense to cash out. But not knowing which way it will go makes it
impossible to have one best strategy.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby IdahoCopper » Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:24 am

If there is a monetary crisis, do not spend your bags of change.

When the money is "revalued" coinage will be worth a lot more. Its easy and cheap to recall old and print new notes. It is very expensive to retire coinage, the .gov will not do that.

Thus, if the money is revalued 100:1, a penny will be worth the spending power of one old Dollar. A "golden dollar" will be worth the spending power of 100 old Dollars. Its probably a good idea the stash some junk metal dollar rolls today, to take advantage of this possibility.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby johnbrickner » Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:12 pm

IdahoCopper wrote:If there is a monetary crisis, do not spend your bags of change.

When the money is "revalued" coinage will be worth a lot more. Its easy and cheap to recall old and print new notes. It is very expensive to retire coinage, the .gov will not do that.


Its probably a good idea the stash some junk metal dollar rolls today, to take advantage of this possibility.


That is a very good idea Sir. I've heard the coinage keeps better value during a monetary crisis than paper and I've pondered what change to keep for it's value. Naturally, I considered my nickels as the answer. Using the dead presidents, Sac and Sister Suffragette to the advantage is a novel thought for me. I like it.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby justoneguy » Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:24 pm

IdahoCopper wrote:If there is a monetary crisis, do not spend your bags of change.

When the money is "revalued" coinage will be worth a lot more. Its easy and cheap to recall old and print new notes. It is very expensive to retire coinage, the .gov will not do that.

Thus, if the money is revalued 100:1, a penny will be worth the spending power of one old Dollar. A "golden dollar" will be worth the spending power of 100 old Dollars. Its probably a good idea the stash some junk metal dollar rolls today, to take advantage of this possibility.

This has already happened many times.
I have a fair sized change bottle, and was thinking along the same lines.
But have recently changed my view.
Why would they waste their time printing all new money?
they have their preeses going full time now.
All old money will be worthless. [according to the goobermint}
The "new' monies will be all digital.
They will control and keep track of you.
I expect [hope] the "underground" will still recognize the value of PM's.
We will be entering a new era where the old rules don't apply.
Got food?
I'm not sure it will have the availabilty and freedom of choice it has now.
Got lead?
You're liable to need it if people think you have Things they want and can't get anymore.
Got real friends?
people spread accross the country talking by internet won't help,
if ther are armed gangs roaming.
Got skills?
This is where any real value will be found
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby theo » Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:45 pm

Not sure if I agree with the first part of your post. I don't think a digital currency will work if the value of the dollar is considered unstable. If there is a 100 to 1 (or even 10 to 1) re-valuation, local and state governments will likely adopt their own currencies; most IMO will recognize base metal coinage and some might even be PM based. In addition we will have the inevitable barter economy. The Federal Government will attempt to exercise control but its power will wane along with value of the dollar; especially away from the big cities.

As for the rest of your post, I agree completely.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby Treetop » Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:59 pm

theo wrote: The Federal Government will attempt to exercise control but its power will wane along with value of the dollar; especially away from the big cities.

I highly doubt that myself. If they expected that, moves wouldnt have been made on russias currency when we know between them and china they can crush our own. germanys currency collapsed shortly before they became an industrial powerhouse importing workers.
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby smalltimeopn » Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:24 pm

I knew there was some reason I was putting spare change in cookie jars ;)
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Re: Banking Holiday Approaching?

Postby theo » Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:28 pm

Treetop wrote:
theo wrote: The Federal Government will attempt to exercise control but its power will wane along with value of the dollar; especially away from the big cities.

I highly doubt that myself. If they expected that, moves wouldnt have been made on russias currency when we know between them and china they can crush our own. germanys currency collapsed shortly before they became an industrial powerhouse importing workers.

I've heard many bloggers and experts make that same assertion. As convincing as it sounds I don't believe been its been fully examined. Dumping U.S. debt is easier said than done, especially when U.S. dollars/Bonds serve as backing for their own currencies. Perhaps we were just calling their bluff.

The only real game changer would be if China or Russia backed their currency with gold in a credible and transparent way. But since neither country is known for its credibility or its transparency. . . .
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