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2016 Presidential Elections

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:14 pm
by mbailey1234
I like to look through the sports book odds and see what the bookies have for predictions. I've ran across something I can't really understand.

As of today 2-17-15, you can get 13/10 odds on Hillary, 5/1 on Jeb Bush and my favorite 12/1 on Scott Walker. This simply means you have to wager $10 to win $13 on Hillary or $1 to win $5 on Bush.

If you look down below, there are a couple of other bets that you can place like who will win, Republican or Democrat, or male or female.

Here's where it gets interesting.... If I punch in a parlay bet, which is simply saying that both or all three things have to happen to win the bet, the odds go up by a huge factor. If I select, Hillary, female and democrat that $10 wager that would have won $13 now will win $70.14.

A $10 wager on Scott Walker, Republican and male goes from 12/1 to 51.65/1

In theory, to win $1000 on each of the following this is what you would have to wager....

$42.91 on Bush, Rep., Male
$141.36 on Clinton, Dem., Female
$$19.36 on Rubio or Walker, Rep., Male

I really like Scott Walker but I think the election will go where the money is (Bush or Clinton). I'm seriously considering placing some bets on this before we get to far into the primaries. I have some online poker winnings I'm itching to reinvest. $1000 on Walker would cash at $51,650. That is sure tempting :idea:

Still trying to figure out why they offer the parlay that multiplies the odds so much on this one. I guess maybe Hillary will be a male by November of 2016? :P

Here is link to the site.

Anyone care to throw out some predictions? ... -props.jsp

Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:28 am
by IdahoCopper
The sheep will go to the polls after another predetermined media-driven campaign. The sheep will vote for the pre-selected "winner". If some of the sheep have revolt in mind, the corrupt voting machines will still ensure the pre-selected "winner" will win anyways.

Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:48 am
by agmoose
There are a couple of there I'd like to be able to bet against!