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Invest in food

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:33 am
by Z00
You know that food prices are rising when a bullion investor tells you to invest in food.
Stockpiling is not just for a survival situation anymore.

Re: Invest in food

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:21 am
by 68Camaro
You heard it here first...


Re: Invest in food

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:42 am
by beauanderos
been doing this for years. Anything you plan on using, as well. Shoes, toothpaste, socks, etc. One bottled brand of garlic stuffed olives
I buy went up from $4.09 to $5.85 recently. The price will likely have risen again by the time I chomp through the previous case of them
I'd already stockpiled.

They say you can't eat silver or gold... this disproves that maxim, as long as you've diversified a bit. ;)

Re: Invest in food

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:49 am
by Copper Catcher

This is a story you are not hearing much about that is happening now....

Monthly Salary of $20 Shows Why Venezuelans Wait in Food Lines
An entire month's paycheck still isn't enough for a minimum-wage worker in Venezuela to feed a family. Read more: ... food-lines

Back in August of 2014 the Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro announced that the government will soon introduce fingerprint scanners at supermarkets in an effort to ration individuals’ food purchases and prevent food smuggling. And guess what, that is now a reality.

So boys and girls let’s stop and ponder for a moment and think about a government that has instituted biometric security scans to limit public purchases of price-controlled grocery items. If you have purchased a copy of my book titled Your Privacy and Security found on, shameless plug, then you already know that if you have a license to drive then your state already has done a facial scan on you without you knowing about it and that is now in a national database. Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Happy Friday!

Re: Invest in food

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 3:25 pm
by Treetop
My obligatory post.

don't forget food production. This can take many forms, from edible landscaping to letting a few goats or sheep roam the back 40. Perhaps a few rabbits or chickens with space to expand so you could keep a breeding population and expand as needed. All of these things can give you options when others do not have them, or rely only on stocked items. Many edibles in my yard would not be recognized as edibles by most who see them. Even most gardeners and people involved with plants, I have lots of ignored things.

Re: Invest in food

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:26 pm
by Doctor Steuss
As the droughts across the world keep hanging on year-after-year, it might be a good time to start researching drought-tolerant food sources for your gardens. Like delicious prickly pears.  ;)

And getting used to the taste of lizards and snakes for protein (kidding... sort of).

Re: Invest in food

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:54 pm
by Shazbot57
Doctor Steuss wrote:As the droughts across the world keep hanging on year-after-year, it might be a good time to start researching drought-tolerant food sources for your gardens. Like delicious prickly pears.  ;)

And getting used to the taste of lizards and snakes for protein (kidding... sort of).

We got Snakes in flyover country! No - not the politician kind of snakes, the actual snakes. They taste a little like chicken. The other kind I assume taste like Shat!

Re: Invest in food

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:28 pm
by JadeDragon
A shocking number of plants are edible, including many in your own yard.
I stock so much food I recently stopped shopping and started giving it away and eating it up because much of it is getting too old. I buy in bulk and/or with coupons and sales to keep the cost down.