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How Does the PPT Work?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:24 pm
by beauanderos
Ok, so we all know the markets are rigged. We've been hearing about the Plunge Protection Team since 1987. What I wanna know is how it
works? Do they go in and buy Dow 30 futures on days like this? To bail out the numbers by 150 pts in the last thirty minutes? What I'm wondering
is might be a decent way to short the markets? Certainly not the Dow, since we know it will be pumped up regardless of economic fallout.

Is anyone watching the broader indices? When the market was down today about 440 pts, did only the Dow stocks make a partial recovery? I
understand they are only thirty stocks, and hardly representative of the broad markets. They probably buy up the SP500 as well to induce false
recoveries on down days. So are the majority of stocks already drowned, while the Dow thrashes water attempting stay afloat?

How do we short this market without getting backstabbed by the PPT? :shock:

Re: How Does the PPT Work?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:31 pm
by 68Camaro
No idea of the specifics and it probably isn't public knowledge, but I can easily imagine that they are empowered to literally do almost anything they want to do. Including funding investment banks by proxy to buy computer-modeled targeted funds/stocks that will create the largest index bang for buck. So your last statement, in that light, is suspect. I've already gotten burned trying to outwit JP Morgan and I was foolish to attempt that over the long-term. So less unusual circumstances (which by definition can't be pre-defined) I have returned to my roots to focus on stacking, debt elimination, and smart prepping (things that store well and will always find a use eventually) as a form of investment.