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Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:49 am
by Copper Catcher
Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode” that required her to leave a 9/11 commemoration ceremony early, a law enforcement source who witnessed the event told Fox News....This happened around 10:15 but very little information is listed anywhere so far.....

All this is rather interesting I'd say!

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:30 pm
by Copper Catcher

Video of her being pulled into the van.....obviously she is very sick.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:32 pm
by Copper Catcher
Media Locked Out After Hillary Abruptly Calls It A Day, Heads Back To Chappaqua ... -chappaqua

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:40 pm
by Thogey
Maybe she was hung over.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:54 pm
by Copper Catcher
Thogey wrote:Maybe she was hung over.

:lol: :lol: :clap:

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:42 pm
by IdahoCopper ... bably-over

Scott Adams has a remarkable insight.

Trump wiil be elected.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 4:15 pm
by Chief

I hope she rots in hell. :evil:

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 4:31 pm
by Chief
Anyone heard of these badselfeater / mr. teeth bills? 9/14 is when the countdown ends. ... tml&page=1

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 5:43 pm
by johnbrickner
Game changer is right. I'm about ready say I was wrong and change my prediction about "Madam President". Whooda thought a medical episode would be the reason.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:02 pm
by Copper Catcher
Now the official story is she has pneumonia..... ... -statement

So here are five more questions that she should answer.....
1.Hillary made her infamous "basket of deplorables" comments at a Barbra Streisand fundraiser on Friday night - the same night she was supposedly diagnosed with pneumonia: why go to a fundraiser if sick, especially since pneumonia is contagious.
2.Hillary has had a nasty, documented cough since January - why did it take 9 months to diagnose this?
3.If Hillary has pneumonia, and passed out at an event, - why was she taken to her daughter's apartment and not a hospital? After all, she was as of today aware of her Friday diagnosis.
4.After coming out of Chelsea's apartment, why did Hillary says she "felt great" - as of this morning she was aware she had Pneumonia; why not admit the truth for once to the public?
5.After coming out of Chelsea's apartment a young girl ran up to Hillary for a quick picture - again, knowing she had been diagnosed with pneumonia why would Hillary expose this young girl to her illness?

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:47 pm
by IdahoCopper
Copper Catcher wrote:Now the official story is she has pneumonia..... ... -statement

So here are five more questions that she should answer.....
1.Hillary made her infamous "basket of deplorables" comments at a Barbra Streisand fundraiser on Friday night - the same night she was supposedly diagnosed with pneumonia: why go to a fundraiser if sick, especially since pneumonia is contagious.
2.Hillary has had a nasty, documented cough since January - why did it take 9 months to diagnose this?
3.If Hillary has pneumonia, and passed out at an event, - why was she taken to her daughter's apartment and not a hospital? After all, she was as of today aware of her Friday diagnosis.
4.After coming out of Chelsea's apartment, why did Hillary says she "felt great" - as of this morning she was aware she had Pneumonia; why not admit the truth for once to the public?
5.After coming out of Chelsea's apartment a young girl ran up to Hillary for a quick picture - again, knowing she had been diagnosed with pneumonia why would Hillary expose this young girl to her illness?

Answer to all questions: Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar and cannot be trusted.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 7:11 pm
by blackrabbit
It is tough to keep a presidential image when you lose a shoe almost passing out in the gutter.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:29 pm
by IdahoCopper

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:59 pm
by silverflake
Friend of mine just told me he heard/read that lots of internet folks (this must be trustworthy then....) are theorizing that one of her body guards is actually a neurologist "disguised" as a body guard. No, I didn't verify this. And no, my friend was not wearing a tin foil hat.

If she has pneumonia, stack. If she is dehydrated, stack. If she had a stroke, stack.

Just keep stacking.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:51 am
by Copper Catcher
Hillary Cancels California Trip; Will Appear At Fundraiser Via Teleconference

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:53 am
by Rodebaugh
Burnie is not looking so old after all.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:21 am
by hobo finds

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:19 pm
by Doctor Steuss
I guess we can be grateful that she didn't vomit on a foreign dignitary prior to passing out.

Silver linings, and whatnot.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:34 pm
by Thogey
Doctor Steuss wrote:I guess we can be grateful that she didn't vomit on a foreign dignitary prior to passing out.

Silver linings, and whatnot.

Grateful? That would have been every bit as good as it was when Bush 41 barfed on Miasawa.

There is always room for improvement, explosive diarrhea maybe, straining through Hillary's pantyhose.

I mean who hasn't crapped their pants at a bad time?

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:39 pm
by Doctor Steuss
Thogey wrote:Grateful? That would have been every bit as good as it was when Bush 41 barfed on Miasawa.

There is always room for improvement, explosive diarrhea maybe, straining through Hillary's pantyhose.

I mean who hasn't crapped their pants at a bad time.


That would make for some epic SNL skits. Ford's tripping/falling fodder wouldn't have anything on some impromptu posterior jet propulsion.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:47 pm
by Thogey
Thogey wrote:
Doctor Steuss wrote:I guess we can be grateful that she didn't vomit on a foreign dignitary prior to passing out.

Silver linings, and whatnot.

Grateful? That would have been every bit as good as it was when Bush 41 barfed on Miasawa.

There is always room for improvement, explosive diarrhea maybe, straining through Hillary's pantyhose.

I mean who hasn't crapped their pants at a bad time?

I guess by definition if you've crapped your pants, it's a bad time.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:19 pm
by hobo finds
Thogey wrote:
Thogey wrote:
Doctor Steuss wrote:I guess we can be grateful that she didn't vomit on a foreign dignitary prior to passing out.

Silver linings, and whatnot.

Grateful? That would have been every bit as good as it was when Bush 41 barfed on Miasawa.

There is always room for improvement, explosive diarrhea maybe, straining through Hillary's pantyhose.

I mean who hasn't crapped their pants at a bad time?

I guess by definition if you've crapped your pants, it's a bad time.

My ninety years old grandfather complained the other day: The worst part
about getting old is diapers. I don't mind wearing 'em, it's that name I
hate: Depends. If I gotta wear a diaper, I don't want no "depends" about
it. I want "fer certain"!

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:56 pm
by Thogey
Hillary has had a good strong bowel movement every morning at 05:30 for the past 10 years.

The only problem is she doesn't get out of bed till six.

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:53 am
by RichardPenny43
Thogey wrote:Hillary has had a good strong bowel movement every morning at 05:30 for the past 10 years.

The only problem is she doesn't get out of bed till six.

Funniest thing I read on the Internet toady :lol:

Re: Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode”

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:23 am
by Copper Catcher
Hillary Breaks Silence; Says Whole Pneumonia, 'Stumble' Thing "Wasn't That Big A Deal", Admits Happened Before ... dmits-happ

In her interview she was asked how many times over the last five year have you gotten dehydrated and gotten dizzy she said twice that she can recall.