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What is Hillary's last big Nuclear Weapon aimed at Trump?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:49 pm
by Thogey
I figure something is in store this weekend. Maybe a real disaster for Trump.

Nothing would surprise me. How about this "Trump's child, a product of a rape comes forward"


Re: What is Hillary's last big Nuclear Weapon aimed at Trump

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:53 pm
by hobo finds
Trump killed JonBenet Ramsey!

Re: What is Hillary's last big Nuclear Weapon aimed at Trump

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:36 pm
by Treetop
Based on the timing of other things out against Trump and the current way the hillary supporting media is acting and her campaign I think they might actually be out of ammo. Guess we will see.

Re: What is Hillary's last big Nuclear Weapon aimed at Trump

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:54 pm
by johnbrickner
Thogey, you could run a think tank. Which seems to be what you are doing here. Kudos. Wish I had the Clinton data base to see what they could pull from and twist. Since I don't, I'll have to go with my limited sources:

It won't be Trump's association with Russia or Putin (as he has been cleared by all the information gathering agencies the US GVT. can muster or so I have heard). It will be the relationship with Russia or Putin from someone he has surrounded him self with or done business with.

My best guess.

Evening Zac.

Re: What is Hillary's last big Nuclear Weapon aimed at Trump

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:36 am
by NHsorter
I bet a few FBI agents know if Hillary's campaign has anything up their sleeve or not! I heard they finally just got the keys unstuck on that laptop so we should know everything soon.

Re: What is Hillary's last big Nuclear Weapon aimed at Trump

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:37 am
by NHsorter
One thing we do know now is that they have 4 minutes to get it out once she pushes the button!

Re: What is Hillary's last big Nuclear Weapon aimed at Trump

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:29 am
by Doctor Steuss
At this point, I think either side dropping stuff is kind of like adding another nail to a bed of nails. There was a point where these things were damaging or painful, but at this point, additional nails actually make it more comfortable for those trying to lay down in the bed of their chosen candidate.

Hillary could be found to have been running a program where babies were tested to be gay, and hetero babies were aborted. WikiLeaks could drop an email showing that Trump and Clinton have been corresponding and colluding the whole campaign.

On the plus side, there is likely to be a lot of interesting social science and experimental psychology studies that come out of this election.

Re: What is Hillary's last big Nuclear Weapon aimed at Trump

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:47 am
by Treetop
Poll are still shifting pretty sharply actually. 30 plus % of hillary supporters are saying the fact the investigation on her was re opened has them questioning their pick. Now we just found out there is an entirely different investigation in the works with FBI talking about a corrupt DOJ. So no doubt each one has their core support but hillary could still loose enough this becomes a historic landslide. It is alrady leaning trump or tied in way more then enough battleground state for a nice trump victory, without this new instigation making it into any polls yet. Not everyone is so partisan they cant change their minds even now. Strangely several % are also still undecided.

Re: What is Hillary's last big Nuclear Weapon aimed at Trump

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:02 am
by Thogey
Not everyone is so partisan they cant change their minds even now. Strangely several % are also still undecided.

I voted for Ann kirkpatrick, just to put McCain to bed.

Re: What is Hillary's last big Nuclear Weapon aimed at Trump

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:05 am
by blackrabbit
Doctor Steuss wrote:At this point, I think either side dropping stuff is kind of like adding another nail to a bed of nails. There was a point where these things were damaging or painful, but at this point, additional nails actually make it more comfortable for those trying to lay down in the bed of their chosen candidate.

Hillary could be found to have been running a program where babies were tested to be gay, and hetero babies were aborted. WikiLeaks could drop an email showing that Trump and Clinton have been corresponding and colluding the whole campaign.

On the plus side, there is likely to be a lot of interesting social science and experimental psychology studies that come out of this election.

Great bed of nails analogy.

Unfortunately those social science/psychological studies will be used to more effectively manipulate people.

This one seems to have added a nail/fizzled.

Thogey, thanks for voting against that traitorous Mccain.