So Trump indeed selected Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. Not a surprise. He is also a populist, and a big endorsement. And a 20-year senator, with a 20+ year career in government attorney positions before that. How "outsider"
Sessions has been talking about a wall for more than a decade. He has also called for reducing the amount of legal immigration allowed, opposes making it easier to immigrate legally, and he opposes free trade at every opportunity.
He supported the war in Iraq. He said of anti-war protesters: "The group who spoke here the other day did not represent the American ideals of freedom, liberty, and spreading that around the world. I frankly don't know what they represent, other than to blame America first." Yeah, we spread so much freedom and liberty to Iraq
He also voted against legislation prohibiting the US military from engaging in torture (it passed 90 to 9).
“The civil libertarians among us would rather defend the constitution than protect our nation’s security.” - 2007 defending the Patriot Act
In 2015 he argued to keep and renew the Patriot Act as-is, specifically bulk data collection. He argued that the USA Freedom Act warrant process was too burdensome and the NSA would not be able to access data quick enough to combat Islamic terrorism. (How many terror plots has mass surveillance and bulk data collection uncovered and stopped? none, apparently. the only terror plots the government claims credit for stopping have been DHS/FBI sting operations where they provided the plans and materials and instructions and waited for people dumb enough to take the bait)
Sessions is a strong supporter of civil asset forfeiture. He has opposed reform saying it "would be a huge detriment to law enforcement.”
“Good people don’t smoke marijuana. We need grown ups in Washington to say marijuana is not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized, it ought not to be minimized, that it is in fact a very real danger.” - April 2016 senate hearing
"I’m a big fan of the DEA. These legalization efforts sound good to people. They say, ‘We could just end the problem of drugs if we could just make it legal.’ But any country that’s tried that, Alaska and other places have tried it, have failed. It does not work." - categorically false statements made in a 2010 meeting with the DEA director
Sessions can undo the 2009/2013 Justice Department memorandums that instruct federal agencies not to interfere with state marijuana laws if he so desires. Seems like a very real possibility.
He also voted in favor of constitutional amendments banning flag desecration and gay marriage and has a laundry list of anti-gay positions and votes. He is a divisive figure, not a unifying figure.
Sessions has his moments, but he gets far too much credit from liberty lovers. He is definitely an establishment figure. The neocon wing of the GOP should like him.