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Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:15 am
by Recyclersteve
It is weird thinking about how much the world has changed in about 40 days or so.

Thinking ahead, you have to wonder what things will be like after the Coronavirus story settles down to where it isn't on the news every day. What predictions do you have for the post COVID-19 world?

Here are a few of mine:

1) Bank robberies will slowly but surely become less frequent. Why? TPTB seem to be trying to push us to a cashless society. I said on another thread that cash (IMHO) will be around for many more years, but it won't be seen nearly as often. Bank robbers will have to look for other opportunities like ID theft and home title theft. When someone figures out how to steal Bitcoins, that will really freak people out. Don't say it is impossible. What we are going through right now was considered impossible by many not long ago.
2) Panhandlers will have to adapt and up their game. If only 10 of 100 cars have any cash and only 2-3 of those are willing to part with some of it, that will make life miserable for those begging for cash.
3) There will be TONS of money to be made in the stock market. Unfortunately, someone without skills who just buys and holds and doesn't have the $ to double down (even multiple times) when the opportunity presents itself better be prepared to be manhandled a bit.
4) Health clubs will lose members. It takes 21 days to create a habit and much less time to break one. I think many will NOT return to their health clubs. Some will justify it by saying that they don't want to touch the equipment, but there will be more to it than that.
5) Drug addicts (not all but more than you might believe) will actually go clean! Yes, the opposite of the health club trend. Think about it this way. You've been getting your drugs from Fast Louie who always meets you at the corner of 9th & Vine at 8pm on Fridays. You don't know Louie's last name or where he lives. The streets are SO quiet that it is hard to go out looking for a fix. So you involuntarily go into detox mode. This could be one of the most positive aspects of the post Coronavirus world IMHO.

I'm sure there are MANY ways in which the world will change. Some will be very hard to predict. There will likely be inventions that handsomely reward their creators and cause others to say "I could have done that!"

This could be one of those threads that covers all kinds of wild and wacky stuff. What changes do you see in the near future?

P.S. I feel sorry for germaphobes. A famous one is actor/comedian/magician Howie Mandel. He was afraid of stuff before COVID. Imagine how paranoid someone like him will be after COVID...

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:56 am
by blackrabbit
Great depression 2.0

Suicides spike.

Hordes of unemployed desperate people, crime spikes.

For you germaphobes here is the best program I have seen which explains the true data/numbers/science. It may help to understand the real risks.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:36 pm
by Know Common Cents
Good comments. Criminal behavior will take on many new forms. No gun needed. Give me all your money and the keys to your car! If you don't, I'm going to cough all over you!

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:32 pm
by Changechecker
Know Common Cents wrote:Good comments. Criminal behavior will take on many new forms. No gun needed. Give me all your money and the keys to your car! If you don't, I'm going to cough all over you!

I work in the inner city. Panhandlers, professional escorts, open air drug markets. We actually discussed this issue last night. I get out around 1:00-2:00 a.m. and the only people out at that hour are undesirables. Carrying cash is a dangerous habit. They can have my truck. I can't carry as its prohibited in my company and leaving it in the vehicle would be reckless.
The amount of phone scams is already increasing, especially regarding the upcoming stimulus checks.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:15 pm
by Dr. Cadmium
I'll add to blackrabbit's contribution with my darkest predictions, which I hope do not come to pass:

A) Great Depression 2.0 eventually leading to a major global conflict (possible WWIII)

B) Economic Japanification of the United States

C) Major government restructuring leads to some kind of dystopia.

On your predictions:
1) May be an accurate, but other robberies or similar crimes will rise to make up for the difference.

2) A lot of the panhandlers in my area have smartphones. Someone will invent an app if there isn't one already.

3) Agreed. I already made some last week!

4) Agreed. I know several gym owners. Many gyms across the country are going to shut down permanently, along with many other small businesses.

5) Reduced recreational drug use and trading may be one of the benefits of this situation. However, the dark web has revolutionized how drugs are bought and sold. Also liquor store sales in my state are up 50%.

Recyclersteve wrote:1) Bank robberies will slowly but surely become less frequent. Why? TPTB seem to be trying to push us to a cashless society. I said on another thread that cash (IMHO) will be around for many more years, but it won't be seen nearly as often. Bank robbers will have to look for other opportunities like ID theft and home title theft. When someone figures out how to steal Bitcoins, that will really freak people out. Don't say it is impossible. What we are going through right now was considered impossible by many not long ago.
2) Panhandlers will have to adapt and up their game. If only 10 of 100 cars have any cash and only 2-3 of those are willing to part with some of it, that will make life miserable for those begging for cash.
3) There will be TONS of money to be made in the stock market. Unfortunately, someone without skills who just buys and holds and doesn't have the $ to double down (even multiple times) when the opportunity presents itself better be prepared to be manhandled a bit.
4) Health clubs will lose members. It takes 21 days to create a habit and much less time to break one. I think many will NOT return to their health clubs. Some will justify it by saying that they don't want to touch the equipment, but there will be more to it than that.
5) Drug addicts (not all but more than you might believe) will actually go clean! Yes, the opposite of the health club trend. Think about it this way. You've been getting your drugs from Fast Louie who always meets you at the corner of 9th & Vine at 8pm on Fridays. You don't know Louie's last name or where he lives. The streets are SO quiet that it is hard to go out looking for a fix. So you involuntarily go into detox mode. This could be one of the most positive aspects of the post Coronavirus world IMHO.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:00 pm
by natsb88
Reports of domestic violence are already up 18% - 35% across major US cities. The government is creating financial strain and keeping people home by shutting down businesses, forcing children to stay home by shutting down schools, and then further forcing people to stay at home with travel restrictions, shelter-in-place orders, and by shutting down parks and recreational venues. Lots of stressed out, tense, and stir-crazy people are stuck inside against their will. This will likely get worse before it gets better. ... n-n1176151

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:22 am
by fansubs_ca
Recyclersteve wrote:P.S. I feel sorry for germaphobes. A famous one is actor/comedian/magician Howie Mandel. He was afraid of stuff before COVID. Imagine how paranoid someone like him will be after COVID...

Oddly it's actually a bit of a relief that more of the world has figured out that germs are
a thing. I've spent decades thinking most of the rest of the world is retarded because
they don't believe germs are real. (OK, there will always be other ways for people to
demonstrate their retardedness... ^_-) If anything this might wake people up enough
that they think things through more and that will in the long run make things a bit
safer for everyone.

Know Common Cents wrote:Good comments. Criminal behavior will take on many new forms. No gun needed. Give me all your money and the keys to your car! If you don't, I'm going to cough all over you!

Maybe open carry flame throwers need to become a thing...

If someone pulled that stunt and got burned alive on the sidewalk by their intended
victim and I was on the jury I'd find the use of the flame thrower to be self defense...
Then write to political leaders and try to make a big deal in the media that they
should be given an award for taking down an "enemy combatant". (This is
a war between humans and the virus, a human intentionally helping the virus
spread is treason.)

Though since I live in Canada the most lethal weapon I typically have is a plastic
bag...the warnings on them do promise that they can cause suffocation...

If someone tries to kill me, i'll make sure I kill them. ^_-

Dr. Cadmium wrote:4) Agreed. I know several gym owners. Many gyms across the country are going to shut down permanently, along with many other small businesses.

I think it could be bad but for a different reason, if they don't get rent relief for the time
they are closed and this goes on too long they'll have to close permanently because they
can't keep feeding in expenses with no way to get revenue.

The gym I go to (yes I started going to a gym since the last time I posted here) is closed
because March 20th the Province of Manitoba ordered all gyms to close. The owner has
sent out an E-mail to let everyone know what's going on. Right now he's offering some
equipment that would otherwise be idled for rental and a few pieces he's selling so he
can replace them with new when/if they re-open. He's suspending memberships so
the closed days will be added onto the end of the membership after re-opening.

If it does drag out long enough he will have to close the 2 gyms he owns permanently.
He said if that happens he'll pay back people on the unused memberships, although
that could take him a while. In my case I was litterally up for renewal 9 days after the
closure and had given them the go ahead to renew it. Since that were closed they didn't
pull the money from the account and put a note on my account to deal with that upon
re-opening. So at least the place is being run by a stand up guy.

Only real concern I have is the locker I rent, it was nice having that square foot of
storage space in the center of downtown. If he does decide to close permanently
I'm not sure how much of a window of time I'll have to go retrieve my stuff out of
the locker. Since there was no advance notice that it would close on "day X" I didn't
know to pull anything out, also I have more stuff crammed in there than could easily
carry out in one trip. Ironiclly I have 2 boxes of portable anti-bacterial wipes in there
(and 4 at home) so if the ones at home get below one box before I can buy them again
(they are sold out everywhere like rubbing alcohol is) I may have to see if there is a
way I can get in to pull some stuff out in advance even if they are re-opening. I kept
that locker stocked with anything I'd want to refill my jacket pockets with while
downtown. So if I forget something before I leave home no problem, I've got whatever
it is in the locker. Also kept a few CLIF bars there because I'd typically go to the gym
overnight when everything else downtown was closed and there was nowhere to buy
food if I got hungry before the first morning busses started.

I'm definately going back to the gym when it's deemed safe to re-open, but some
of the people who go to the aerobics classes might be used to doing them at home
by then. In my case I'm paying for space that I don't have at home and use of
equipment I can't have at home due to said lack of space. At the time I go (with
FOB access) often it's just me there or me and one guy that works in the mall when
he finishes work.

As for predictions of the world after this Guerilla Capitalism (written by the owner of
the place I have my domain names) is writing about a few possibilities ... e-majeure/

"All of the central bank and fiscal stimulus portends a secular shift from deflation to
inflation and I don’t think very many people understand what that means."

Well, everyone at Realcent knows what that means, hopefully the recently depleted
supply chain refills before inflation picks up much.

As for what I've been up to I've launched a T-shirt bussiness, Very Eager 4 Tees:

Was planning to maybe try a flyer campaign in spring but I think I'll wait until this
COVID thing passes, pretty sure this is not when anyone wants extra stuff in their
mailbox and most people are thinking more about essentials right now and will probably
wear their older clothes a bit longer.

At least it has almost no real fixed overhead on an ongoing basis, even the web site
is running on my hobby server that hosts my other domains so I don't even have web
hosting costs. So I can afford to wait.

As for the regular job, since I work from home I'm still working, a few people who
worked in the offices in Winnipeg, Montreal and Detroit switched to working from
home like us and everyone else got laid off until they are ready to re-open the offices.
Though since we are down to a few of the regular tracking surveys and everything
else got pulled or pushed back the amount of work dropped more than the amount
of people so hours of work are reduced which would normaly be perfect timing to go
put out flyers for the T-shirt bussiness but...not in this case due to the reason.

Due to some helicopter money known as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit ... se_Benefit

...that the laid off people will get for 16 weeks before regular Employment Insurance
kicks in (if the crisis lasts longer than 16 weeks) the people laid off will actually have
more income than those still working.

As for preps...considering how much lead time I had on this I probably did under
prepare. I figured, well I've got a bunch of canned food, and paper products and
cereal upstairs so I should be fine if I can't go out for a few weeks. But it wasn't
really until we were far enough into it that the news was showing everyone else
panic buying that I started thinking "what if it goes a few months", about 2 weeks
back I also came to the realization that I didn't have a thermometer. Fortunately I
was able to find one last FR at the drug store in the mall where my Chiropractor is.
(I joked to one of my friends that "my tin foil hat is going to be revoked" for failing
to think fo that. ^_-) At least I avoided being impacted by the toilet paper panic, I
think what I bought in fall to get through the winter will last until the end of May.
(This is a normal get ready for winter thing for me.) So the extent that I was prepared
was mostly by accident.

Right now here in Winnipeg some stores are limiting purchase of certain items
and food is available (one food items I've seen Wal-Mart have more on the shelf
last FR than i've ever seen them have in normal times) though even with the limits
paper products they are a bit scarce. The panic buying has passed but some stores sometimes have a line to get in as they are limiting how many people can be in the
store at once to maximize space between people. Of course any kind of disinfectant
product is out or near out, some bleach is on the shelf but that's not so helpfull on
the go. Ironically I have a whole bunch of bleach I bought last year when I figured out
it was the easiest way to kill weeds in my driveway but didn't use it for that purpose
because it proceeded to rain right after that until the snow started. So maybe I'll hold
onto that for now.

As for where I've been getting my China news...much has been from these guys on
Youtube who I'd been following for a couple of years now... ... zjA/videos

One of their wives (who used to be a doctor in China) also did a video on the rationing
of masks to doctors during the crisis:

It was far less than adaquate at one point.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:40 pm
by Tourney64
1. States and local governments will go into bankruptcy. Won’t be able to pay for law enforcement.
2. PBGTC will go bankrupt impacting anyone receiving pensions or expecting a pension.
3. Health care costs will skyrocket.
4. Many businesses will not reopen after the crisis impacting unemployment.
5. People will be desperate and crime will increase.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:04 am
by mtalbot_ca
If the pandemic becomes a recurring event, ie no vaccine and no effective antiviral drug that could bring the fatality rate to a seasonal flu level, we could see:
-depopulation of city centers;
-restructuring into a more local/regional economies;
-an increase of income tax, to a confiscation-level as seen during WW2;
-a transformation of office-towers into other use :hydroponic farms, public spaces/parks;
-a return to more traditionnal recreational activities (hunting, fishing, caravaning)
-the end of several major leagues, but a resurgence of local leagues.


Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:03 am
by reddirtcoins
deflation and nothing good is coming.
city centers, well nothing good
employment, nothing good
commercial buildings, nothing good
power of fiat to supplies needed, nothing good

so, get out of town while you can. I'm so glad I live in the country. I'm also glad I have a small town between me and the city as I'm hoping it will be a canary in the coal mine if things get way worse, which they can.. From the core of the town I'm about 35 miles away, I wish it was further.
crime is going up, it's not going to get better anytime soon. I am also worried about state/gov going broke as we all should be worried about our SS going to nothing. Also for those of us who have state/gov benefits well, sorry to say just look at what happened in other countries, it's coming here. I'm really thinking about moving more of my 401k into metals while I can to get out of the system. It's nothing I would start taping into for a decade or more anyway. As far as food, I'm stocked up for a good 9 months. The only flaw in my household is power which I'm waiting on fixing..

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:45 am
by coppernickel
Face masks will remain common, healthcare, grocery, and some others will be required to wear them on the job forevermore.

In the other thread, are we going cashless?

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:41 pm
by Recyclersteve
I meant to add a pretty obvious one...

Sales of guns and ammo will go through the roof.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 7:39 am
by agmoose
Already have. It's hard to find guns or ammo in stock.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:38 am
by hobo finds
No Halloween trick or treaters.
No black Friday sales, can't have that many people in line or store.
No Holliday work parties this year.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:04 am
by IdahoCopper
Sweden will finally be recognized as having implemented the correct solution. ... rt-matters

Mainstream Media and Social Media centers will be stormed and destroyed, due to their complicity in selling the Plandemic. ... ne-doctors

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:39 am
by Lemon Thrower
This is the only disease that you have to take a test to know that you have it.

I think the hysteria may last a year or two but will ultimately be shown to have been massively exaggerated.

It reminds me of the old days when we did duck and cover drills in school to practice for a nuclear missle. It was completely ineffective at protecting you from a nuclear bomb, but very effective at stoking fear which was necessary for cold war military and black ops budgets.

Similarly, the masks and the testing are there to convince you there is something to be afraid of, and to keep the economy shut down and to allow for things like vote-fraud-by-mail. Eventually people will realize the pandemic is less severe than the flu.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:52 am
by justoneguy
IdahoCopper wrote:
Mainstream Media and Social Media centers will be stormed and destroyed, due to their complicity in selling the Plandemic.

We can do this ??
Where are they located??

Plandemic , haven't heard it b4

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:52 am
by Recyclersteve
I too never heard the term Plandemic until now. I like it.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:11 am
by NiBullionCu
Last updated: July 29, 2020, 13:47 GMT
United States
Coronavirus Cases: 4,500,130

Deaths: 152,388 :o

Lemon Thrower wrote:Eventually people will realize the pandemic is less severe than the flu.

"Less severe that the Flu" would mean 61,000 deaths in a year, so no; covid is not less severe than the flu.
The death toll is already 2.5x that amount for a bad year and were not at the end of July yet.
CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in... 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

Be safe out there!

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:40 am
by shinnosuke
My prediction is that we will not have a "post-"Covid world. It's called Covid-19. There is already talk on the telescreen of Covid-20. Sure, why not? Covid 24/7. Covid 365. It's the Covid Century. Die of a motorcycle accident, well that was a Covid-related death, so the state gets more funding.

"Day and night the telescreens bruised your ears with statistics proving that people today had more food, more clothes, better houses, better recreations..."
- George Orwell, 1984.

Edited to add "not" in the first sentence. Somehow that word did not go from my brain to my keyboard.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:53 am
by Lemon Thrower
NiBullionCu wrote:
Last updated: July 29, 2020, 13:47 GMT
United States
Coronavirus Cases: 4,500,130

Deaths: 152,388 :o

Lemon Thrower wrote:Eventually people will realize the pandemic is less severe than the flu.

"Less severe that the Flu" would mean 61,000 deaths in a year, so no; covid is not less severe than the flu.
The death toll is already 2.5x that amount for a bad year and were not at the end of July yet.
CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in... 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

Be safe out there!

I have a different opinion from yours.

First, the average death rate from the flu is 80-100K in the U.S.

Second, the Covid rate is inflated. Look at flu deaths. Its less than half of normal. They are counting deaths from flu, pnemonia, motorcycle accidents as Covid. In other words, if you die from pnemonia while testing positive for Covid, they list you as a Covid death. They have never done that for anything else like flu, so the numbers are not comparable.

Third, a lot of these deaths are concentrated in the over 70 crowd. Like 95%. Even higher among the over 80 crowd. Those folks have multiple morbidities so attributing a cause from multiple factors is not really possible. and for political reasons, they just list Covid. So again, the numbers are not comparable because they are put together in a different manner. If you have a heart attack in a nursing home while positive for the flu, they list you as a death from heart attack, not flu.

Fourth, if you get Covid, hydroxychloroquinine will eliminate the symptoms in most cases. There are clinical studies that prove this, and they are being suppressed by the media. So the disease is a lot more manageable than the media portray.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:22 am
by IdahoCopper
The touted stats are fabrications and lies. The chart that means something is "total deaths from all causes". Hospitals are getting the big bucks from the feds for every covid death. Thus every death possible is a covid.

Its all a scam.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:16 pm
by theo
The article below is the clearest indictment of the anti-HCQ cabal I have yet seen. Dr. Risch seems to think that HCQ in combo with Zinc etc. . should have been the obvious response to COVID 19 from the get go. I also have an abstract from the Virology Journal** indicating that HCQ was effective against the original SARS CoV virus. This leads me to the dark conclusion that not only does elements of the medical establishment (CDC? NIH? WHO?) know that the HCQ combo is effective, they've always known. Frankly, this realization makes me a little nauseous.


The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It | Opinion
Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD , Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health

On 7/23/20 at 7:00 AM EDT

As professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, I have authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals. I am usually accustomed to advocating for positions within the mainstream of medicine, so have been flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully support but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines. As a result, tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily. Fortunately, the situation can be reversed easily and quickly.. . . .

Physicians who have been using these medications in the face of widespread skepticism have been truly heroic. They have done what the science shows is best for their patients, often at great personal risk. I myself know of two doctors who have saved the lives of hundreds of patients with these medications, but are now fighting state medical boards to save their licenses and reputations. The cases against them are completely without scientific merit.. . . .

Beyond these studies of individual patients, we have seen what happens in large populations when these drugs are used. These have been "natural experiments." In the northern Brazil state of Pará, COVID-19 deaths were increasing exponentially. On April 6, the public hospital network purchased 75,000 doses of azithromycin and 90,000 doses of hydroxychloroquine. Over the next few weeks, authorities began distributing these medications to infected individuals. Even though new cases continued to occur, on May 22 the death rate started to plummet and is now about one-eighth what it was at the peak.. . .

Full article. ... on-1519535

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 4:26 am
by Treetop
Lemon Thrower wrote:Second, the Covid rate is inflated. Look at flu deaths. Its less than half of normal.

Also keep in mind this flu season started STRONG and was expected to be one of the worst. My sister is a nurse and she was told by co workers that flu was being counted as covid with no tests to back it. She told me this months ago. Im not sure if you are right that its not as bad as the flu, but it is almost certainly exaggerated.

Re: Your Predictions for the Post COVID-19 World

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:25 am
by Recyclersteve
Guys, I was looking for PREDICTIONS, not a political debate about the stats being reported. Thanks to those who have been staying on topic.