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stock market crash prediction

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:39 am
by thecrazyone

Re: stock market crash prediction

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:37 am
by Recyclersteve
This is your typical fear mongering type article.

I wouldn’t use it as an excuse to avoid the stock market. Also, you shouldn’t be all in without the resources to double down. As an example, it would be really sad if silver went down to, say, $9 an ounce, and you didn’t have the money or the guts to buy more when it is on sale.

Also, it is always good to understand short selling and have that skill in your back pocket. Read my separate post titled “Anatomy of a Short Sale” from earlier this week for a real life example of how it worked for me this week in an OBVIOUS situation.

Re: stock market crash prediction

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:16 pm
by Cu Penny Hoarder
Taleb is a perma-doomer. He's been saying the same things since 2005.

Unless something VERY serious happens (nuke war, cyber attack, EMP, etc.) the Feds money printing machine always comes to the rescue.

However, the value of the USD will eventually hit zero. By then TPTB will most likely have another form of currency to take its place.

Re: stock market crash prediction

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 6:26 pm
by 68Camaro
Will the market crash bad like 1929-1933, on it's own? I used to think it would but that was before I realized 15 years ago that TPTB will do everything legal and illegal within their abilities to stop a crash before it gets underway.

However that doesn't mean that a so called "black swan" event won't happen that pushes the market beyond what those in power can do to stall it. Such as, for example - a war with China - which many now consider a certainty if the current administration or it's successors stay in office, by 2025. China aims to take Taiwan back, and if they decide the best way to do it is to use force, they will. It's a calculation they will make using their math (which only involves the probability of a win for them while staying in power on the other side, regardless of cost to anyone involved on either side). Deterence is the only prevention, and our current leaders do not know how to do that. I think it is now almost too late to change the math in our favor in time to prevent it.

So imagine what happens to the US (even if we "win") if we fight the country that makes most of our drugs as well as 95% of what Amazon delivery. There will not be a useful market left at the end of that. Sorry to be a downer, but anyone that is "prepping" had best make themselves completely Independent of China including all the drugs they need to get past any issues they might have over the next 5 years.

Re: stock market crash prediction

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 2:44 pm
by pmbug
"Dr. Doom" does his thing (link redirects to the Financial Times):
... For all these reasons, the relative decline of the US dollar as the main reserve currency is likely to occur over the next decade. ... ... id=US%3Aen