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Turnaround/new job revolution

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:50 pm
by whatsnext
Would it not make sense that if you want to have a new job revolution you would have to mimic the industrial revolution? Which would mean that you need lots of people to fill a growing job market in newer technology.

When you look at what the industrial revolution you see lots of immigrants that where only let in the country for cheap labor. So unless we allow new immigrants in to fill the gap then the standard new job created in the future will require working for less with more debt attached to the worker.
The flow of money has to be spread out over the majority of labor thinly. The product would need to be exported more than consumed locally.

It would also reqiure corps to reinvest in american workers, but not allowing a standard of living higher than the standard that rose form post WW2.

So it would seem that this is almost impossible to achive in the near future until we lose alot more buying power.
Peak america has already happened which caused nafta and downsizing. It also turned the american people into globalist consumers/globalist investors.

Right now it would seem communism or slave labor has the upper hand b/c globalist capitalist like being richer than others. So unless we agree to a more brotherly standard the majority are all screwed. Which will never happen.

The conditions for a success are not going to be met.

Re: Turnaround/new job revolution

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:16 pm
by Country
While it seems that the American era and way of life is on the wane, an unknown new technology developed here and produced here might solve some issues. The key factor to a turnaround would be to begin to be a nation that makes things again. Being a service economy leads America on the road to being the servants and masters of someone else. If there is a role for government in this new age, it should be to promote real non-global American interests by becoming more insular and focused on the American citizen once again. Globalization is reducing our way of life to the common denominator. America must withdraw from international problems and refocus on American problems.

Re: Turnaround/new job revolution

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:29 pm
by Mossy
That only worked when the regulations were lax or non-existant. The workers fled countries with intrusive laws and regulations, and high taxes (counting the entire tax load, not just fed income tax), exactly what we have here in the US today.

Re: Turnaround/new job revolution

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:30 pm
by whatsnext
Mossy wrote:That only worked when the regulations were lax or non-existant. The workers fled countries with intrusive laws and regulations, and high taxes (counting the entire tax load, not just fed income tax), exactly what we have here in the US today.

Regulation only applies to small bussiness, a corp is above the law -ie bailouts/taxpayers cleaning up anymess to stop a loss -ie BP. We will never see the old days again where the average person did not compete with a corp for marketshare. But if the masters would kindly throw a bone to the peasents and stop taking everything for themselves that would be an improvement we all could live with.

Regulation is a good thing. It is just when people put the squeeze on others with them that is bad.

Having to depend on foreign investment is really a mockery of the whole dream aspect. When so many people believed the dream only to be outsourced and plowed under the standard set by great thinkers and doers. The very people who set the stage are now closing the show, just to let the price drop to the global standard as to get that better price on labor.

Re: Turnaround/new job revolution

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:38 pm
by Treetop
Ive got one. It wouldnt be as big as what your talking about, but it is an instant and immediate multi billion dollar industry....

End the prohibition of marijuana. We spend a large amount fighting it. It hasnt lowered usage, in fact usage goes down in countries where its decriminalized. We have the largest prison system in the world by a wide margin. and its actually EASIER for your average teen to get then alcohol, because alcohol is regulated....

So legalize it, regulate it as we do alcohol, and weve got a multi billion dollar industry. Weve also de funded alot of dangerous crime networks, and given those profits to regular folks.

Re: Turnaround/new job revolution

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:04 pm
by Mossy
whatsnext wrote:Regulation only applies to small bussiness, a corp is above the law -ie bailouts/taxpayers cleaning up anymess to stop a loss -ie BP. We will never see the old days again where the average person did not compete with a corp for marketshare. But if the masters would kindly throw a bone to the peasents and stop taking everything for themselves that would be an improvement we all could live with.

Regulation is a good thing. It is just when people put the squeeze on others with them that is bad.

Big biz is not always above the law, although many laws and regulations are written to squeeze out entroupenours. The company I work for (BIG big biz) has been saddled with a number of idiotic environmental regs that college grads thought were good ideas, and actually cause environmental damage. I'm not going into details to avoid rocking the boat.

A few are simply wrong. Mostly, though, the bad regs cause side effects or do not take other things into consideration.

I think the classic, not related to this industry, is how people in an industry try to kill off all of an endangered species before the college kids learn it is present somewhere.

Re: Turnaround/new job revolution

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:20 pm
by Lemon Thrower
whatsnext wrote:Would it not make sense that if you want to have a new job revolution you would have to mimic the industrial revolution? Which would mean that you need lots of people to fill a growing job market in newer technology.

When you look at what the industrial revolution you see lots of immigrants that where only let in the country for cheap labor. So unless we allow new immigrants in to fill the gap then the standard new job created in the future will require working for less with more debt attached to the worker.
The flow of money has to be spread out over the majority of labor thinly. The product would need to be exported more than consumed locally.

It would also reqiure corps to reinvest in american workers, but not allowing a standard of living higher than the standard that rose form post WW2.

So it would seem that this is almost impossible to achive in the near future until we lose alot more buying power.
Peak america has already happened which caused nafta and downsizing. It also turned the american people into globalist consumers/globalist investors.

Right now it would seem communism or slave labor has the upper hand b/c globalist capitalist like being richer than others. So unless we agree to a more brotherly standard the majority are all screwed. Which will never happen.

your post proceeds from the false assumption that the problems we have now were accidents rather than intended. it has been a longstanding conscious policy to export jobs and technolgy to the third world including mexico and china. trade barriers had to be affirmatively dismantled to make that possible.

Re: Turnaround/new job revolution

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:22 pm
by whatsnext
Also if the turnaround was being presented we would need infastructure spending. It would be past intended to benifit everyone but 4/5ths would go to the na ft a superhighway.

----And on a side note my yuan rising thing has a big hole in it b/c evidently the chinese are not going to let the yuan rise. Looks like the dollar is safe for a few years at least.

Re: Turnaround/new job revolution

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:29 pm
by Cerulean
Treetop wrote:Ive got one. It wouldnt be as big as what your talking about, but it is an instant and immediate multi billion dollar industry....

End the prohibition of marijuana. We spend a large amount fighting it. It hasnt lowered usage, in fact usage goes down in countries where its decriminalized. We have the largest prison system in the world by a wide margin. and its actually EASIER for your average teen to get then alcohol, because alcohol is regulated....

So legalize it, regulate it as we do alcohol, and weve got a multi billion dollar industry. Weve also de funded alot of dangerous crime networks, and given those profits to regular folks.

You had me at "end prohibition". Don't forget the boon to the hemp industry as well.