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Wonder why the stock market seems to be up?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:10 pm
by Copper Catcher
With all hell breaking loose for the US economy and around the world, what sense does it make for the US stock market to be up?

See: No Recovery - Next up, Recession or Collapse? ... r-collapse

My only guess is this has to be the work of the Plunge Protection Team! Most folks have never heard of this group: ... al_Markets

If you want to understand more look at this:

How long will they keep going is any ones guess.... Crazy isn't it!

Re: Wonder why the stock market seems to be up?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:06 am
by 68Camaro
True or not (as to how they act), it (or whatever else is being done) is akin to putting sawdust into the crankcase of a worn engine, to give it 50 more miles before it dies. And the longer they prolong real fixes, the worse the eventual disaster will be.

The US market is going up because (as bad as things are here), there are worse elsewhere, and this is one of the last refuges of money. In part because (for the moment), we have the military to protect what we have (and have borrowed). If we lose that, game over.