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Shaky US Economy

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:11 am
by shinnosuke
Trillion Dollar Deficits are fine if you never have to pay them back. Liberalism is great because you spend other people's money. Some day though, as sure as the sun coming up tomorrow morning, the bill comes due. That seems to be the point we are reaching.

I found this link on Zerohedge:

If you really don't want to read the whole presentation and do any analysis, please just go to slide #13 and look at the 8th line item listed as "IRS Refunds." What does that mean, you say? IRS refunds are one government payment that would be at risk if the US debt ceiling isn't raised. Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that refunds of overpaid taxes, that's money that was never supposed to belong to the government in the first place, will be at risk just because Washington can't borrow more money? Why would they need to borrow money to pay back the excess taxes that were given to them? That's my money, not theirs. You mean I can't even trust them to pay back the money that I gave them over the past year? I wonder what will happen to my Social Security. (hahaha...the joke's on me).

And there you have, boys and girls, an easy to understand lesson on why 99 weeks of unemployment insurance, the Department of Energy, cash for clunkers, the Department of Food Stamps, too big to fail bank bailouts, the Department of Education, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE, stimulus packages, the Department of Commerce, and so much more, are nothing but tools to bankrupt a nation, whether intentionally or not. Of course, I am convinced that these things were done with the results known in advance.

America is not alone in its predicament. Look at the broken budgets of Japan and Europe and the growth-stifling deficits of these regions. Now tell me liberalism is a good thing. Yeah, it's good until the guy who has his boot on your throat pulls the trigger to put you out of your misery.

Re: Shaky US Economy

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:38 pm
by 68Camaro
You could pay it back. Or, you could just take over the country as absolute dictator under the pretense of an emergency, abolish all past debt, tell the rest of the world to do the same thing, start over again with a military socialist government and work to become part of a larger global order... Have I heard this before???

Re: Shaky US Economy

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:08 pm
by henrysmedford
68Camaro wrote:You could pay it back. Or, you could just take over the country as absolute dictator under the pretense of an emergency, abolish all past debt, tell the rest of the world to do the same thing, start over again with a military socialist government and work to become part of a larger global order... Have I heard this before???
