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The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:44 pm
Well, there it is, folks. It's not firm yet, but they are already talking about it...the FOMC minutes were disclosed after the COMEX pit closed. ... tlook.html ... _fomc.html

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:38 pm
by franklin
I also ran across that but mostly I have been paying attention to the debt ceiling/tax increase talks. I think McConnell just cut his bridge with Obama today by saying as long as he was president, there would be no progress. I love Cantor's continued stance. At least he won't be the one to blink first but Boehner might. Obama's claims today that SS checks might not go out on Aug. 3rd shows how concerned he is.

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:42 am
by Know Common Cents
Never much doubt that there wouldn't be a QE3 in spite of what was being said at the expiration of QE2. I guess I thought that it might be veiled in some sort of bogus name to at least give the illusion of something different to the casual observer. That may still happen.

Last week's terrible jobs numbers have likely kickstarted more sentiment that the American ship is sinking and Uncle Sam is the only one with a bucket to bail it out. I'm concerned. Some of my friends call me a "gloom and doomer," but I keep telling them I'm a realist and they should use their intellect to understand what's really going on. Those who believe they can continue their lavish credit card spending, 2nd mortgages and abundant discretionary lifestyle are living in a dream world. The Good Ship Lollipop has taken multiple torpedoes and can't be saved.

With the BRICS countries and much more economic malaise in Europe than originally thought, there's a long line forming to be swept over the precipice. No turning back and I'll be surprised if even 25% of the Greeces, Italys and others of their ilk will are able to return to even today's shaky standing in the world community.

I've urged my Daughter to think outside of the Facebook realm and start with some strategic planning how she can best structure her life to have some degree of comfort. I'm making some progress on that front. Makes a Dad happy.

Rough(er) times ahead. Batten down the hatches.

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:56 am
by slickeast
Know Common Cents wrote:Last week's terrible jobs numbers have likely kickstarted more sentiment that the American ship is sinking and Uncle Sam is the only one with a bucket to bail it out.

Problem is that the bucket that they use has a bigger hole in the bottom than it does on the top.

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:06 pm
by Mossy
franklin wrote: Obama's claims today that SS checks might not go out on Aug. 3rd shows how concerned he is.

Politicians use that threat to terrify the marks whenever they get concerned about tax increases. "Close the libraries" "Lay off the police" "lay off the firemen" "close the schools".

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:36 pm
by aloneibreak
Mossy wrote:
franklin wrote: Obama's claims today that SS checks might not go out on Aug. 3rd shows how concerned he is.

Politicians use that threat to terrify the marks whenever they get concerned about tax increases. "Close the libraries" "Lay off the police" "lay off the firemen" "close the schools".

i call it "scare politics"

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:26 pm
Ron Paul just grilled Bernanke today about money and gold. Ron asked Ben whether he thought gold was money. Bernanke actually said, "No." after a long pause. Can you believe it?? Disgusting. Here's the full story. ... -gold.html

More importantly, the 5-minute YouTube link (C-SPAN) below where Ron grills Ben is an absolute MUST WATCH, where Ron questions Ben about gold, questions why Central banks even carry it (if it's not money) and so on. Then Ron even asks him why don't Central Banks carry diamonds then etc. You get the idea. Simply fantastic. ... r_embedded

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:37 pm
by Copper Catcher
QE3, QE4... at some point Collapse 1, Great Depression 2 etc... All the bull flying around makes me sick! :|

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:17 pm
by franklin
"Obama's claims today that SS checks might not go out on Aug. 3rd shows how concerned he is.........that he might not get his way. (I should have finished my sentence.

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:41 am
by John_doe
I don't think that it is as bad as it is portrayed (the economy that is). I think it's just some of the higher ups needing more. :roll:

Qe hurts the lower and middle classes under a fiat currency. I'm sure we would all encourage qe if we were under a gold standard.

The sad truth is, that this only puts further strain on the people they are trying to "help". Very unethical.

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:57 am
by 68Camaro
JD - nothing personal, we all are entitled to our opinions, but I find that you and I are usually on opposite sides of political opinions. But I don't have time to debate every detail. This is just to note that any lack of reply from me to your various posts doesn't mean that I'm agreeing in my silence...

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:47 am
by Mossy
John_doe wrote:I don't think that it is as bad as it is portrayed (the economy that is). I think it's just some of the higher ups needing more. :roll:
"Wants more". Soros does not "need more".

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:28 am
by silverhalide
Hints of QE3? It is already in full effect and the main reason why the equity markets picked up again during July. According to the weekly MZM the fed added another 120 billion to date just in July.

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:02 am
by Copper Catcher
The Plunge Protection Team (See: ... al_Markets) will have to spend millions on Monday if a deal is not cut this weekend to prevent the markets from deflating like a balloon being let go by a child. The wa wa wa sound is all I’m hearing from Washington anyway. They might as well let all that hot air go! As “The Rock” was so fond of saying: Just Bring It!

Re: The FED hints at QE3

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:17 am
by Copper Catcher
By the way, don't think for a second the markets aren’t rigged in Europe as well...for more read:

The CDO At The Heart Of The Eurozone Just Became Europe's Plunge Protection Team ... ction-team