Jim Rogers stays long on commodities

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Jim Rogers stays long on commodities

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:53 am

Jim Rogers
Getty Images
Investor Jim Rogers is short Treasurys and long commodities.

“If the world economy gets better, I earn money on commodities. If the global economy gets worse then they will print more money and I will make money in commodities,”

Here is the rest of the story. Enjoy!

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Re: Jim Rogers stays long on commodities

Postby Know Common Cents » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:54 am

In talking with the owner of a Midwest coin shop, he said that there's been a new wave of customer coming in to purchase PMs. These aren't the usual hoarders, collectors, PM afficianados, etc., but average Joe and Josephine SixPack who remember hearing something about gold and silver in the past, but never understood why they're important.

The dealer said he and his staff try their best to educate them in the short time available, but also hands out a sheet with assorted web sites they can visit to better educate themselves. He added that he's even told some clueless folks to learn before purchasing. I told him that an educated consumer is a better customer and more likely to come back to the same place that initially helped them.

In addition to the usual PMs, I'm also bullish on copper, sugar, oil and soybeans. Jim Rogers is spot on.
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Re: Jim Rogers stays long on commodities

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:55 pm

Know Common Cents wrote:In addition to the usual PMs, I'm also bullish on copper, sugar, oil and soybeans. Jim Rogers is spot on.

Ditto! With some things that go bang and the very precious PMs that fill them.
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