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AIG sues BofA for $10 billion, alleging 'massive fraud'

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:38 am
by Copper Catcher
You probably want hear much about this today because everyone is focusing on the stock market....However the question on the this finally the end of BofA? ... kBL_mZAsT4

Re: AIG sues BofA for $10 billion, alleging 'massive fraud'

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:59 am
by Lemon Thrower
this became public yesterday and caused BAC to trade down 20% in a single day, on top of having trended down for several weeks.

i don't know anything about this case per se but AIG is alleging that they reviewed a huge number of files - not just a random sample - and 42% of the loans that Countrywide (now BAC) sold to them didn't meet standards.

You can read the lawsuit (complaint) here - its fairly plain English. ... of-America

AIG claims they paid $28 billion for these RMBS securities and that they reviewed 262,000 loan files before filing the lawsuit. if the average loan was just $110,000, that means they reviewed every loan!

Based on that review, they claim that roughly 40% of the loans did not meet standards when the loans were sold to them, and that they have $10 billion in damages!