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Zerohedge Truth

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:23 am
by shinnosuke
It needed to be said. Please, Dr. Paul, take good care of yourself.

One highlight from the article:
Of course, if Paul were to eventually become president, we would advise him to not come within 100 miles of any school book depositories. Also to avoid prepared food, theaters, public speeches, pope mobiles (in fact any form of transportation that goes over 15 mph), to run like the wind from any and all hot tubs, jacuzzis, swimming pools, and baths, and in general to conduct his long overdue gold standard policy from a bunker several miles underground if possible.

Alas, this may all be just a tad optimistic.

The entire article:

Re: Zerohedge Truth

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:57 am
by Lemon Thrower
i don't subscribe to the accidental view of history. if paul wins, its because they want him to win. the ptb are deliberately crashing the dollar and the fed. i only hope what's next is not worse.

Re: Zerohedge Truth

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:14 am
by shinnosuke
Lemon Thrower wrote:i don't subscribe to the accidental view of history. if paul wins, its because they want him to win. the ptb are deliberately crashing the dollar and the fed. i only hope what's next is not worse.

How far back does your theory apply? Did George Washington win because "they" wanted him to? I agree that the PTB are trying to destroy this country both financially as well as morally. I just don't see how making Ron Paul the Republican nominee will help their cause. Unless they think they can convince the American people he is such an extremist that Obama slides to an easy victory.

Ron Paul is the real deal.

Re: Zerohedge Truth

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:52 am
by 68Camaro
There is no one that I agree 100% with (never will be), so selection of a leader will always be a compromise, for me. I like a lot of what Paul has to say. I like him in Congress, and I like him in the race, to raise issues, keep others honest. But his personality style is that of a "prophet". Prophets, by purpose, and throughout history, are not broadly liked. They aren't supposed to be. Their lives can be difficult, because their passion and purpose is to raise the call, to shake people up, to raise awareness so that people can realize they've been going the wrong direction. They aren't leaders, normally, and Paul - in my view - is no exception to that. Their best purpose is to support a leader who listens to what they have to say. I wish him well, and hope he continues to raise the call to action.