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Warren Buffet to Invest $5 Billion in B of A

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:18 am
by Know Common Cents
So..........Warren Buffet is going to invest $5 billion in an attempt to salvage Bank of America. Is this guy an imbicile or a savior?

Remember, this is the guy who's offered to pay lots more in taxes and even met with Obama this week to share his economic ideas with El Presidente.

This joker is getting senile and should be delegated to a comfortable rocking chair and a daily handful of Prozac.

Re: Warren Buffet to Invest $5 Billion in B of A

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:23 am
by AGCoinHunter
Bet someone forced him to "bail out" BOA. Knew they couldnt force this one down the taxpayers throat. Eventually it will be though. BOA is DOA. Old Warren is pony-ing up some of that money he was saying that rich people should be paying in taxes. We all know how this will end. BOA gets split up from Countrywide who the tax payers will fund. The bank will now belong to Buffet who will require taxpayers via QE XXX to provide liquidity while he redeems his perfered shares and leaves us all holding the bag. TBTF

Re: Warren Buffet to Invest $5 Billion in B of A

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:16 pm
by scrapper2010
Know Common Cents wrote:This joker is getting senile and should be delegated to a comfortable rocking chair and a daily handful of Prozac.

Apparently he made over a billion dollars on the deal a few hours after the markets opened. Not too bad for senile old man.

Re: Warren Buffet to Invest $5 Billion in B of A

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:16 pm
by PennyBoy
scrapper2010 wrote:
Know Common Cents wrote:This joker is getting senile and should be delegated to a comfortable rocking chair and a daily handful of Prozac.

Apparently he made over a billion dollars on the deal a few hours after the markets opened. Not too bad for senile old man.

I think the final tally was "only" $357 million. Poor guy. :cry:

Re: Warren Buffet to Invest $5 Billion in B of A

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:37 am
by Know Common Cents
The kickstart to B of A stock seems to have cratered as all bank stocks were down hard yesterday with the horrible jobs number. B of A is back to the point where Mr. Buffet intervened with his fat wallet. I still say that Buffet's credibility as an investor is on the rocks.