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Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:58 pm
by avidbrandy
Is anyone else watching this? Planning to participate?

I know Austin, TX is supposed to start on Thursday, as well as San Antonio.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:51 pm
by Mossy
"Participate"? What in? They cannot make up their minds what they want, other than pot, LSD, booze, and sex.


Well, maybe if I was 40 years younger.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:02 am
by blackrabbit
There are some less informed folks protesting but alot of them know exactly what is going on. Listen to this guy tell it like it is! :P

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:58 am
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
blackrabbit wrote:There are some less informed folks protesting but alot of them know exactly what is going on. Listen to this guy tell it like it is! :P

Hmmm, it sounds like this guy has his act together. He knows what most of us know. I have seen other vids of "Occupiers" spouting the very opposite. Their actions will only make TPTB stronger. They want to give Obama even more power to enrich his manipulators.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:14 am
by NHsorter
Yes, this guy makes sense, but I think that this whole thing is organized by a bunch of commies and primarily attended by a bunch of stupid hippies. But without actually seeing this in person, who knows what is actually going on. Media can paint it as they please. I just have a feeling that this guy is in the minority there and that I would like to personally pepper spray a bunch of the other losers there. :D

I DO NOT condone the government using force against peaceful protests. But I can still enjoy watching commies getting sprayed, can't I?

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:53 pm
by silverflake
This guy is sharp. Only comment I have against him is that one of his sign holders holds a sign saying our founding fathers warned us about a central bank and capitalism. Well, half of his sign is right. However we don't need warnings on capitalism (I don't even know if that word existed prior to Marx's Communist Manifesto). What we need is warnings on the socialism that has walked hand in hand with the fiat currency called the dollar. We haven't had FREE-MARKET capitalism since 1913. As a wage earner in America, I have to pay a federeal income tax, a social security tax of 6% on the first $110,000 of income, a medicare tax of 1.45% (no cap) then state income taxes here in Virginia (>5%). Oh yeah, then if you own a house there's a property tax and a school tax. I have a personal property tax on my automobile. If I buy something I pay a state sales tax. In the city I live in there is a local meals tax. If I buy gas there is a state and federal tax. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! These people should march from Wall Street when they are done and march on Washington D.C. next.
The more money that the government takes from me, the more it goes into debt.
In order to pay for the failure social programs that it runs, the government has to take money from me and give it to someone else without my permission. If one of you good guys here ever did that it would be called stealing and is an arrestable offense.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:50 pm
by Tourney64
They want to destroy capitalism. These guys are radicals and well orchestrated. Destroy capitalism and it destroys The US financially. I hate what these banks and corporations did, but I hate even more the fact these corporations were bailed out with taxpayer money when they were behaving badly. Let them fail, but don't destroy everyone. This is everyone's retirement and savings. These guys are bad news and bigger attacks planned next week.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:03 pm
by Beau
These protest will not be over before there will be a lot of people hurt or killed.
cars will be burned, buildings set on fire, stores looted, police hurt.
these people will not stop without a major riot.

just like in other countries the last few weeks.



Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:09 pm
by NDFarmer
I agree with you Beau. This will get real ugly before it is over.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:52 pm
by MikeyPooh
I wasn't sure what all this was about either, but I found this link somewhere and I have to say I find a lot of the first hand accounts powerful and moving.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:12 pm
by Thogey
Sh*t happens, life is powerful and moving. Lot's of people borrow too much money. All of us are going to get sick, lose loved ones get cancer etc. That's life. People don't have jobs because the government makes it impossible to embark on real industrial endeavors.

Some of the "nose-ring" people need to stop whining and move to where the jobs are (like North Dakota or Texas or Alabama)

No one owes you anything. Life is not supposed to be easy. The lip ringed people have unrealistic expectations. This is life, it's not MTV. You work your ass off to survive. If you are smart you will learn something that will put you to work. Save some money, get married, have kids. IN THAT ORDER. If you are lucky you will be happy.

The world owes you jack!. These are the same people with the one-world bumper stickers, who would last 5 minutes in a real third world sh@t-hole where life is really tough.

Just living in the US puts you in the top 5% of wealthy on the planet. Most people on the Earth have never seen a glass of clean ice-water.

The nipple-rings need to reassess their situation

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:28 pm
by MikeyPooh
I think you were replying to me Thogey, so I will say thank you for your thoughtful reply. I generally agree with you here, but I think you're missing the bigger point... the "nose ring people" are part of the 99%, as well as you and I.

You say they have unrealistic expectations, that they need to deal with life... but haven't things in general been getting worse and worse, for a long time now? They are standing up and saying "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" and for that I applaud them.

It's not about life being easy, or being owed anything, it's about the system that the elites have built that enriches them, and screws everyone else. If everyone puts their head down and says "well this is the way it is I best shut up and know my place and deal with it" will there ever be a chance for a real change? I don't think so.

Have you read any of the accounts? I read about 15 pages of them, and plenty of these "nipple ring people" say how grateful they are for everything they have here.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:39 pm
by John_doe
I'm not a huge fan of corporatism/globalism, but capitalism is one of the best functioning systems in the world.

Like it or not even most communist people will agree there is far less coruption.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:05 am
by Thogey
MikeyPooh wrote:I think you were replying to me Thogey, so I will say thank you for your thoughtful reply. I generally agree with you here, but I think you're missing the bigger point... the "nose ring people" are part of the 99%, as well as you and I.

You say they have unrealistic expectations, that they need to deal with life... but haven't things in general been getting worse and worse, for a long time now? They are standing up and saying "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" and for that I applaud them.

It's not about life being easy, or being owed anything, it's about the system that the elites have built that enriches them, and screws everyone else. If everyone puts their head down and says "well this is the way it is I best shut up and know my place and deal with it" will there ever be a chance for a real change? I don't think so.

Have you read any of the accounts? I read about 15 pages of them, and plenty of these "nipple ring people" say how grateful they are for everything they have here.

I don't understand how either of the conditions highlighted can be corrected. Can you tell us what the goal is and how it is accomplished?

I don't mind being one of the 99%. I don't believe the 1% are blessed. All I would like is uncle sam to get off my back, allow me to run my business and not burden me with the responsibility to pay for the lip rings' student loans, medical insurance. illegitimate kids and mortgages, or bank bail outs or nonsense defense spending or 5 years of Unemployment compesation.

I read a few pages, nothing new. I've lived through most of the issues the subjects were whining about. Who should I have complained to? Many of my years was the Ricky Lake show. The [shucks] I've lived through would make most civilized people sick. Most was self-inflicted by the loosers who I am related to. Same stuff different day.

I guess I'm selfish.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:25 am
by MikeyPooh
John_doe wrote:I'm not a huge fan of corporatism/globalism, but capitalism is one of the best functioning systems in the world.

Like it or not even most communist people will agree there is far less coruption.

Best functioning for whom? Do you believe that the leaders in a communist country, or a capitalist one care one whit about the stated political ideology of their country? I don't. I think they care about one thing only, money and power, and really any "ism" will function adequately for this end. This isn't about communism vs capitalism, it's out them (elites) vs us (peons). IMO.

Can you tell us what the goal is and how it is accomplished?

No sir I cannot. I'm a doomer, any way you slice it, we're fooked as far as I can see. The myriad challenges facing not just the US right now but the whole world really is a gordian knot. I'm happy simply because finally, at last, people are getting riled up enough to turn off the teevee and get in the streets.

And I don't think it's about YOU or ME having to pay for these folks healthcare, it's more general than that. The healthcare system is BROKEN - like many (most?) others are. I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that if you turn it into an argument about "Well I'm not paying for Joe Blows health care" then you are simply playing into the elites game - divide and conquer.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:55 pm
by aloneibreak
MikeyPooh wrote:Best functioning for whom? Do you believe that the leaders in a communist country, or a capitalist one care one whit about the stated political ideology of their country? I don't. I think they care about one thing only, money and power, and really any "ism" will function adequately for this end. This isn't about communism vs capitalism, it's out them (elites) vs us (peons). IMO.

do you think the protesters agree with reids most recent plan of taxing the millionares and billionaires an extra 5% ?

after all, shouldnt the "elite" pay their "fair share" ?

thats not an idea i can get behind

its interesting to see these folks get fired up about something - i'd be curious to know how many were 0bama supporters at the last election...

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:51 pm
by Mossy
The protesters are being played for suckers by people like Soros.

(Historical note: Soros was a Judenrat, a Jew who helped the Nazi's round up other Jews for shipment to the death camps. He got part of the loot as a reward, along with not being sent to the death camps. He also was behind the revaluation of the British Pound that left many on fixed incomes starving and freezing. He may not have played a role in the destruction of other currencies, but he sure profited by them. There's considerable speculation that he is a major player in the present economic troubles the US is having. He is also known to found and/or support groups like "Media Matters" and "Move-on". To sum up, gather every single nasty thing said about International financiers/bankers, manipulative, blood thirsty and greedy Jews, and most of them will, IMO, apply to Soros.)

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:59 pm
by aloneibreak
heres a few "demands"

some extremes, yes - take it for what its worth ... treet.html

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:10 pm
by Neckro
Starting to sound like a Glenn Beck rerun in here.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:29 am
by Mossy
I've seen Beck's picture a few times. Never bothered to read him.

Soros is pretty dispicable, IMO. The demands made by the protesters are very childish and impractical, the sort of thing teens with overly indulgent parents object to when it comes time to grow up.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:53 am
by blackrabbit
How about we should support these frustrated people because it is a anti-bankster movement! You "conservatives" should be there just like the kid in the video teaching people about how the banking system really works and getting them to occupy the Fed! It is a pretty simple demand that I stand behind. End the Fed! Don't you guys understand how the Federal Reserve system screws us all?

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:12 am
by Double3

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:48 am
by Doctor Steuss
Anyone else have protests in their towns/cities yesterday? ... 08394.html

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:39 pm
by aloneibreak
blackrabbit wrote:How about we should support these frustrated people because it is a anti-bankster movement! You "conservatives" should be there just like the kid in the video teaching people about how the banking system really works and getting them to occupy the Fed! It is a pretty simple demand that I stand behind. End the Fed! Don't you guys understand how the Federal Reserve system screws us all?

i guess ive never thought of myself as "conservative" :)

i agree wholeheartedly with ending the fed reserve

but there should be a way to do that without destroying capitalism in the process

i know i cant label everything, but most of the OWS protesters ive listened to or read writings of have come off as socialist/marxist

maybe im mistaken - but it seems like class warfare at its finest

Re: Occupy Wall Street

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:00 pm
by Thogey
These are the people I'll probably be shooting when TSHTF.