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Chips with that?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:01 am
by moparal7 ... 10-05.html Does anyone with authority in this country really give a s***?

Re: Chips with that?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:22 pm
by Thogey
They don't have to beat us on the battlefield.

China will use the momentum of our own stupidity and, lack of attention to detail, against us. Like an akido move.

Re: Chips with that?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:55 pm
by Mossy
Chinas biggest opponents in its quest for global dominance ("regaining" in their minds) are the elderly Chinese bureaucrats. If something killed off everyone over the age of 70 in Chinese politics, the world would be toast. (Or "fried rice".)

Re: Chips with that?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:30 pm
by Delawhere Jack
I read somewhere about a year ago that the guidance gyroscopes in our cruise missiles are made in China.

We're doomed.

Re: Chips with that?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:40 pm
by fb101
Who was it that once said capitalists will sell you everything you need to defeat them.

Personally, I'd have long ago stopped playing games with imports in limited circumstances.
Lead in toys? - OK . No toy imports for 3 years.
(non protectionist though)

Re: Chips with that?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:37 am
by fansubs_ca
fb101 wrote:Personally, I'd have long ago stopped playing games with imports in limited circumstances.
Lead in toys?

If I ever accumulate enough lead wheel weights I intend to cast a "Mr.Lead Head". No cheap
lead paint like the Chinese toys. Mr Lead Head will be made in Canada from genuine solid
lead. :-D Of course it will be a novelty item/paperweight for my own use as a knick knack
and not technically a "toy". ;)

*Mr Lead Head is not suitable for for people who lick, chew or swallow their toys regardless
of how old they are. Throwing is also not recommended except for fending off an intruder.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for these or any other inappropriate use of the
product which I cannot forsee and probably don't want to know about. :D

Re: Chips with that?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:37 am
by John_doe
fansubs_ca wrote:
fb101 wrote:Personally, I'd have long ago stopped playing games with imports in limited circumstances.
Lead in toys?

If I ever accumulate enough lead wheel weights I intend to cast a "Mr.Lead Head". No cheap
lead paint like the Chinese toys. Mr Lead Head will be made in Canada from genuine solid
lead. :-D Of course it will be a novelty item/paperweight for my own use as a knick knack
and not technically a "toy". ;)

*Mr Lead Head is not suitable for for people who lick, chew or swallow their toys regardless
of how old they are. Throwing is also not recommended except for fending off an intruder.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for these or any other inappropriate use of the
product which I cannot forsee and probably don't want to know about. :D

:lol: I'll take 2!

Re: Chips with that?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:30 pm
by moparal7
fb101 wrote:Who was it that once said capitalists will sell you everything you need to defeat them.

Personally, I'd have long ago stopped playing games with imports in limited circumstances.
Lead in toys? - OK . No toy imports for 3 years.
(non protectionist though)

I believe it was Lenin who said we will sell the capitalists the rope which they will hang themselves with.