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Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:13 pm
by Trey
I'd like to hear what you guys think is coming up for our country and the world in the upcoming years.

Leave a vote & tell us why.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:23 pm
by Corsair
You're kind of a Debbie Downer, aren't you? No economic boom? No hope? No change?

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:11 pm
by Trey
Other is an option :D

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:46 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
"Inflationary depression" is my answer.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:51 pm
by Mossy
Had to look up what the great depression involved (deflation). No, I don't think we will see that.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:42 pm
by inflationhawk
The only way out of a debt crisis is to inflate your way out...some politicians try to sugar coat it as "growth"

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:24 am
by shinnosuke
inflationhawk wrote:The only way out of a debt crisis is to inflate your way out...some politicians try to sugar coat it as "growth"

There is another way. It involves sackcloth and ashes. We would call it a structural default. That is the best option for America even at this late hour, but our politicians are puppets and won't go for it because TPTB won't allow it. Rather amazing to be alive now and watch this part of history unfold.

Inflation will be our lot, I firmly believe. All government fiat eventually goes there.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:27 am
by BamaJoe
I just don't see the politicians having the guts to face the problem. They will just keep printing as long as they can.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:50 pm
by Mossy
BamaJoe wrote:I just don't see the politicians having the guts to face the problem. They will just keep printing as long as they can.

Exactly what I expect to see. The US needs to dump a /bunch/ of federal employees (voters) and get rid of a /bunch/ of regulations. Also need to change how "Equal Access to Justice Act" is run, and that will draw all sorts of fire from trial lawyers (campaign contributions). Once that is done, taxes collected will balance the debt. We will have inflation while things settle out, but it would level off shortly. (Any bets that the politicians will keep their fingers out of the coin purse while that's happenning? Har. Har. Har.)

We need to get rid of the silly "no assassination" policy, too. It's just a truce between TPTB, and an agreement that the people who actually die are the silly peasents and serfs, and they don't count anyhow.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:47 am
by John_doe
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:"Inflationary depression" is my answer.

Depressed about the onset of inflation.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:27 pm
by Mossy
John_doe wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:"Inflationary depression" is my answer.

Depressed about the onset of inflation.

Depression has a specific definition, and I don't think we will see that specifically. Lot's of misery, yes.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:44 pm
by Kurr
I learned from history that waris not good for the economy. The reasons that we came out on top in WWI and WWII was not that those wars were good for the economy, but that we came out on top because everyone else was devestated. Their economies, manufacturing, shipping, everything was FUBAR.

I see something in that vein being pulled. When Greece and Italy fall, it will be the equivalent of unleashing all the physical devestation we saw in those wars and destruction, except in the financial and currency sectors of nations and alliances (like the euro) and all those derrivitives. If every one crashes, but you crash the least, youre technically still on top.

When the dust settles on that, I honestly have no clue where we would be, depression, inflation, deflation.... no clue.

Aint gonna be pretty though.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:09 pm
by shinnosuke
This link and the accompanying video explain everything you need to know about inflation & depression. The article is a little dry in the beginning, but it ramps up very quickly. Please take the time to read/watch it. I know...I'm preaching to the choir.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:43 pm
Here is my opinion: I think that more inflation is coming (just how much is anybody's guess). I think that they won't 'say' now (present day) that we are in a Depression, but 10-15 years from now, the statisticians will look back on this period, run the numbers, and determine that it actually was a Depression. The american people (sheeple) are too protected, lazy, stupid, clueless etc (or a combination thereof), which is exactly what TPTB wants. They will do anything to visually cover up the mess that we are in and the mess that is still ongoing and that is yet to come (manipulation in the lame stream media, the stock markets etc). It's the same crap every 10-20 years ago...lather, rinse, repeat. Yet, they are doing it in a way where it occurs slowly over time and not all at once, thereby limiting negative feedback from the sheeple. I think that TPTB are taking the middle class to the cleaners and that they are merely 'cleaning' or 'cleansing' the system, in an effort to wipe out a few trillions of the middle class' hard-earned assets (whether it be IRA/401K/land/property/stocks etc).

I think this will continue for another 3-6 years, or until enough people (over 30 million) actually wake up and loudly complain (ie Revolution), whichever comes first.

Granted, this is just my opinion. You asked for it, so there it is.

Re: Depression or Inflation

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:40 am
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
Mossy wrote:
John_doe wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:"Inflationary depression" is my answer.

Depressed about the onset of inflation.

Depression has a specific definition, and I don't think we will see that specifically. Lot's of misery, yes.

An inflationary depression is where the public looses faith in the economy because of inflation. The wholesale costs for goods and services goes up, but the retail price for those goods and services goes down due to the retail customer's unwillingness to spend money. The business owner is squeezed into a lower profit margin. That is going on in my industry right now. The big boys with high overhead are in trouble and there is lots of new competition from start-ups who have been laid off from their former vocations.

Some would call that "creative destruction".