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SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:18 pm
by Tourney64
1. Obama declares gold and silver ownership illegal.
2. The Euro fails bringing most large banks in the US with them.
3. The world's reserve currency stops being the US $.
4. Obama is re-elected, or an election doesn't occur.

Better have your act together beforeany of these happen.

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:26 pm
by barrytrot
#4 is impossible. They would just cheat-the-results. There is no reason to not continue to let the lemmings think they have a choice.

#3 and #2 are REALLY likely. Although those will not come close to SHTF. Not close. All either does is shift money to the Chinese which is already the case anyway!

#1 This may happen, but already happened before so why would that cause any panic? Heck, all the lemmings that go to those "We Buy Gold" places would be over joyed, right? ;)

None of the 4 events you have here would put as at SHTF. Closer, perhaps, but none of them are world-breakers. They will each bankrupt some people and make a few people rich. But that's an every day occurrence and has been for years.

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:30 pm
by Delawhere Jack
5. A major brokerage loses $1.2B customer funds, illegally mixed with the companies own, and the CEO doesn't get a perp walk.
6. Lloyds of London withdraws all of it's funds held in EU banks.
7. The "Super Committee" fails to agree on $100B of cuts per year over tens years.....out of a $3.5T annual budget.
8. Jack gets the reciept for a heating oil delivery....... $4.5999/gal. :shock:

I think the S has already hit the F.

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:33 pm
by barrytrot
Delawhere Jack wrote:5. A major brokerage loses $1.2B customer funds, illegally mixed with the companies own, and the CEO doesn't get a perp walk.
6. Lloyds of London withdraws all of it's funds held in EU banks.
7. The "Super Committee" fails to agree on $100B of cuts per year over tens years.....out of a $3.5T annual budget.
8. Jack gets the reciept for a heating oil delivery....... $4.5999/gal. :shock:

I think the S has already hit the F.

I agree things are quite "odd" to say the least. And that's my thinking: things may get worse, but the odds of death and destruction in the streets of New York City are low. Sure more people will be jobless/homeless/hopeless but we won't be traveling only via horse back ever again.

That's just my theory and thus far it has proven true :)

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:04 pm
by Tourney64
9. Internet stops working except government web sites
10. All media is taken over by government.
11. All cell phones stop working.

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:13 pm
by 68Camaro
We don't have to regress to total anarchy or medival times to qualify as SHTF. Quite frankly, we're nearly SHTF now, compared to what I thought was goodness 35 years ago. 10% effective inflation, 20% effective unemployment, half the population not paying taxes, annual national debt at 100% GDP, total debt obligation for the country approaching the GDP of the entire world, the two governing parties at complete odds with each other (despite incumbents of both lining their pockets), 25% of all homes with underwater mortgages and defaults continuing at pace faster than paperwork can keep up, rising unrest in the streets, nearly complete loss of privacy, nearly complete loss of confidence in all branches of government at most levels. Except for US corporate profits looking good for the quarter, what is positive about these times? We still have some freedoms, but that's a sorry excuse for goodness, as what we have left are quickly being removed.

Isolated pockets of goodness still exist, and may - if they are lucky - be able to stay isolated to get to the other side of htis. And maybe that's where you are Barry. If you want the big picture, maybe you should get out away more?

One factoid out of thousands: More than half of the students in public schools are on now meal assistance in my county, one of the most affluent counties in my state. Things are not right, and getting worse.

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:21 pm
by shinnosuke
12. When your credit cards stop working.
13. When you get a friendly visit from the national police telling you it's time to come outside to the medical vehicle for your RFID implantation.
14. When the national police start minesweeping your backyard because they traced your realcent membership registration back to your email address and that led them to your actual identity.
15. When you pull ol' Bessie out from under the sofa cushions and say, Give me liberty or give me...

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:48 pm
by frugalcanuck
I Agree with shinnosuke

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:37 pm
by silverflake
Is there hope?

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:26 am
by shinnosuke
silverflake wrote:Is there hope?

And he (Elisha) answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. 2 Kings 6:16

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:29 am
by barrytrot
silverflake wrote:Is there hope?

Well none of things Shinoske listed have happened so I would say, "yes".

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:23 am
by Lemon Thrower

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:06 pm
by Beau
That is funny both are right around the corner, but not here yet.

nothing is going to happen, I saw Obamer on the MSN HOMEPAGE, HE was getting booed off the stage as usual.


Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:13 pm
by rickygee
EMP burst. Game over. Alas, Babylon, welcome to the thousand year night.

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:41 pm
by Mossy
rickygee wrote:EMP burst. Game over. Alas, Babylon, welcome to the thousand year night. ... 0615427359

I have a copy of one of his earlier drafts that used to be available on the net. I plan to get a copy of the above and see if he cleaned up some of the weak points, like he has a tractor but does not try to pick up any of those extra 3 point hitch attachments that has to be laying around.

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:01 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
Lemon Thrower wrote:Image

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:04 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
shinnosuke wrote:12. When your credit cards stop working.
13. When you get a friendly visit from the national police telling you it's time to come outside to the medical vehicle for your RFID implantation.
14. When the national police start minesweeping your backyard because they traced your realcent membership registration back to your email address and that led them to your actual identity.
15. When you pull ol' Bessie out from under the sofa cushions and say, Give me liberty or give me...

Betcha' they already know where all of us live.

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:28 pm
by Whinstone
I am going to say...I think it will happen Dec. 21th 2012 cause they would rather believe a lie than the truth. The truth is what Jesus said of his coming..."no man know the day or the hour". But the wicked will believe in the mayans and do wickedly. None of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand. It could be a birth pain that Jesus spoke about or the beginning of sorrows. I really do think it soon. He also said not to worry. ............. I don't try to look at all the bad things that are going on in the world, markets.....politics causes they are so messed up. You don't have to read far ....before you say..."figures" or become suspicious and confused. I do what I can to prepare for it. I pray "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done".

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:51 pm
by Copper Catcher
68Camaro wrote:We don't have to regress to total anarchy or medival times to qualify as SHTF. Quite frankly, we're nearly SHTF now, compared to what I thought was goodness 35 years ago. 10% effective inflation, 20% effective unemployment, half the population not paying taxes, annual national debt at 100% GDP, total debt obligation for the country approaching the GDP of the entire world, the two governing parties at complete odds with each other (despite incumbents of both lining their pockets), 25% of all homes with underwater mortgages and defaults continuing at pace faster than paperwork can keep up, rising unrest in the streets, nearly complete loss of privacy, nearly complete loss of confidence in all branches of government at most levels. Except for US corporate profits looking good for the quarter, what is positive about these times? We still have some freedoms, but that's a sorry excuse for goodness, as what we have left are quickly being removed.

Isolated pockets of goodness still exist, and may - if they are lucky - be able to stay isolated to get to the other side of htis. And maybe that's where you are Barry. If you want the big picture, maybe you should get out away more?

One factoid out of thousands: More than half of the students in public schools are on now meal assistance in my county, one of the most affluent counties in my state. Things are not right, and getting worse.

68Camaro come on don't hold back ....tell me the really bad news. :shock:
Is there any good news?

Re: SHTF starts when ...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:01 pm
by 68Camaro
Sure!! Silver is on sale now! ;) My daughter just got her first promotion. There are a lot of good "friends" here on RC. I could just go on and on... ;) Not much good news about the economy, but a lot of other things to be thankful for! :)