My Blog: Debt Ceiling Threats

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My Blog: Debt Ceiling Threats

Postby hejira11 » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:18 pm

The deadline for raising the debt ceiling is fast approaching. The current power structure in Washington is finally beginning to speak some truth...albeit skewed toward terrifying us into submission.

However, I believe a serious tactical error has been made by the very people who brought their "Keynesian Economic System" into our country. They were forced to reveal it's weakness as a means to scare us. Revealing a systemic weakness is NEVER a good strategic move, but, because we are catching on to their game, they are getting desperate...and making mistakes.

We cannot afford anymore debt. Period. The Democrats call Republican's stubborn for not being willing to compromise. But, the fact remains. If we can not afford to ask for a single Dollar what part of ZERO is open to discussion?

Is anyone in the mainstream media admitting what you and I already know? The now admitted weakness in our economy:

Creating money from thin air does not work!

This "spending from thin air" philosophy is being peddled by the Owners of The Federal Reserve. "The Tea Party Uprising of 2010" has gotten us some Constitutionally minded Patriots into the Republican Party. "We The People" once again have been delt a hand in the outcome of our destiny. The sad truth is that we had to fight for it at all...the total measure of this POWER was freely given to us by our Founding Fathers back in 1776!

Are you beginning to see how close we are to losing our power of self rule?

Please do not lose focus of the central point: This money MUST be payed back one way or another.

The dangers Washington warns us about, should have been dealt with years ago, when the debts were smaller, and the cuts not as dramatic as they now need to be. It was not a popular thing to do, so it was passed US.

Our need to repay this money is inevitable.

Obama, in his town hall meeting earlier this week, told our nations' Senior Citizens that their Medicare and Social Security "could" be in danger of being cut if the debt ceiling is not raised.

What he does not say, is there are billions of dollars in other areas that "could" be cut instead.

Imagine Obama going on television and "Tweeting" that he would be forced to cut all forms of monetary support for illegal aliens? Or we would be forced to cut all foreign aid to every country in the world?

Obama does not mention these options because they are not popular to the people he needs to vote for him in 2012. Every President is for themselves in this day and age.

We are in an economic house built on sand. In their zeal to scare us enough to raise the debt ceiling, they showed us how precarious our footing is. And what our only course of action is.

The money we spent in 2008 only propped us up to this point in time. We are still in the dire circumstances they told us about in 2008. NOTHING has been fixed. That money was spend to provide us a thin veneer of normalcy to cover the ever increasing chains of debt that surround us..

We need to learn to live within our means as a nation. I applaud the Republican Party-via The Tea Party-for bringing this fight to the forefront of our political discourse. Can you imagine if we were asleep through this? ALL WOULD HAVE BEEN LOST...ALL still may be...

Our financial house is crumbling. We need to return Gold and Silver to their rightful place as the base of our currency. As it was in the beginning. As it was meant to be in our Constitution.

Ultimately, We need to find new Representatives. Ones who will fight for our Nation! We must choose from those among us and elect who we feel will selflessly start our nation on the road to economic recovery and ensure our Sovereignty.

D. James La Salle
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Re: My Blog: Debt Ceiling Threats

Postby adagirl » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:36 pm

agree. well stated!
Penny Collector Member
Posts: 488
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