On deconstructing algorithms

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On deconstructing algorithms

Postby mickeyman » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:14 pm

An introductory essay which will hopefully lead to some interesting results.

http://worldcomplex.blogspot.com/2011/0 ... art-1.html

Also on zero hedge. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/guest- ... gos-part-1

In this series of articles we will begin analysis of the algorithms involved. Today's discussion will mostly focus on framing the issues that must be addressed in order to study unknown algorithms on the basis of their time-varying outputs. Future articles will present results from the various analyses.
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Re: On deconstructing algorithms

Postby 68Camaro » Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:29 am

I'll be the first here to admit that the vocabulary is wholly different from any of my technical specialties, so I can't tell whether this is total BS, or if the specific words really do have sufficiently precise definitions in an existing recognized technical field such that when strung together they actually have consistent intelligent meaning.

Since I can speak equally obscure and archane language in my discipline such that those on the outside barely have a clue (or none whatsover) what I'm saying, I can say with certainty that you're either very good at what you do, or very good at pretending to do something. :)

However, at the 50Kft level I think I see a point in it, so I don't know if I'm getting the true intended message at a high level, or if I'm mis-reading techno-babble and putting my own spin on it to get to a place that I am personally biased towards. ;)

I connected more with this one...

http://worldcomplex.blogspot.com/2011/0 ... t-gas.html

Thanks for the interesting read. I'll give it some more time and come back to the other articles.
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