LDS Cannery

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LDS Cannery

Postby involuntary tentacle » Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:21 pm

Anyone have an LDS cannery in their area?
Apparently, the mormons are big on having food reserves for YEARS.
Some of the stuff they can has 30+ years shelf life!!!

We have one here in my neck of the woods, but I am uneasy with just showing up there and buying up all of their cans and stuff.
I am not LDS, therefore I think it would feel awkward going there. I do not have any problems with LDS or anything, I just do not follow their religion.

But I would like to take advantage of their food stockpiling methods!!

Anyone else buying stuff from there?
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Thogey » Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:46 pm

They want you to buy their food. They want to teach self-relience. It's part of their religion to spread knowledge and skills.

They believe it's their DUTY to do these things. You should feel free and comfortable to buy their stuff.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Delawhere Jack » Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:41 pm

They tend to be good people. A friend of mine, raised Catholic, went to an LDS church for a while. She's gone back to Catholic services, but now years later she still gets calls from LDS members asking her to come back.

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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby involuntary tentacle » Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:31 pm

Well, thanks for the replies.

I went to the cannery earlier. Discovered that everything at this particular cannery is dry-pack. Stuff like rice, wheat, oats... stuff like that.
Was told that as a non-member, I would need to bring a member of the church with me next time. He let me buy only a few things, but told me that they normally discourage people from the street... saying that, "if we let non-members from the street buy from us, the grocery stores would get mad at us for selling to the general public." Also, in order to can stuff myself, I would need to be in the company of a church member.

BS. But whatever. I know someone that I can bring next time. But I did not think I would meet that kind of resistance, though.

Anyway, picked up 25 pounds of rice for $10.00. This is awesome because you cant even get 20 pounds of calrose rice for that cheap anymore... It is extra long grain, and quite different from the varieties i am used to, but it is not a big deal.

Also picked up a "starter kit" for $20. Had two 5.4lb #10 cans of the same rice, two #10 cans of wheat grains, one #10 can of quick oats, and a #10 can of pinto beans.

Dont know what I will do with the grains.. maybe save them for the chickens I will eventually get.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Pachucko » Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:37 pm

Dont know what I will do with the grains.. maybe save them for the chickens I will eventually get.

Google wheat grass, wheat grass juice, sprouts, and wheat berry cereal/mush.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Thogey » Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:42 pm

Wow. I'm really surprised it went down like that. Not my experience.

"People from the street?" Ef em! Let them have their clique. We'll just make do. Religious sects do seem to end up behaving like that don't they?

Just be one of the 'people from the street'.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby involuntary tentacle » Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:55 pm

Thogey wrote:Wow. I'm really surprised it went down like that. Not my experience.

"People from the street?" Ef em! Let them have their clique. We'll just make do. Religious sects do seem to end up behaving like that don't they?

Just be one of the 'people from the street'.

A lot of the LDS people I have had the opportunity to meet have been jackasses. Not all, but it is quite common out here. A relative in SLC told me earlier that they welcome EVERYONE to come down and stock up. Here, I guess they want to keep it all for themselves.

Normally I would say F THEM, but they have things I want. I will talk sh|t all day when not trying to get things from them :) ... NG_pdf.pdf

The rice is huge for me. Most people couldn't do without beans. I need my rice. I got other sources of protein (SPAM :D )
The carrots, dried onions, potatoes, refried beans and pancake mix are also on my radar for next time. I will just can those myself next time.
Last edited by involuntary tentacle on Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Verbane » Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:17 am

involuntary tentacle wrote:Well, thanks for the replies.

I went to the cannery earlier. Discovered that everything at this particular cannery is dry-pack. Stuff like rice, wheat, oats... stuff like that.
Was told that as a non-member, I would need to bring a member of the church with me next time. He let me buy only a few things, but told me that they normally discourage people from the street... saying that, "if we let non-members from the street buy from us, the grocery stores would get mad at us for selling to the general public." Also, in order to can stuff myself, I would need to be in the company of a church member.

BS. But whatever. I know someone that I can bring next time. But I did not think I would meet that kind of resistance, though.

Anyway, picked up 25 pounds of rice for $10.00. This is awesome because you cant even get 20 pounds of calrose rice for that cheap anymore... It is extra long grain, and quite different from the varieties i am used to, but it is not a big deal..

I have found this to be true on my side of the country also. For the lower prices that LDS typically charges for 30+ year storage (usually cheaper than immediate consumption staples in the food chains), I can understand a little resistance. Get it how you can.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby tn-dave » Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:47 am

I ordered a case of six #10 cans of white rice from them on-line. Not sure how the price compares to buying locally but as far as I know I have never received any e-mails, phone calls or "junk" mail from them. Another option for some of you. ... -1__195866
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby AGCoinHunter » Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:00 am

Wow, tn-dave great link. I will be ordering from them. Prices are not too bad also once you take into account of the free shipping. Sales tax stinks but you pay that anyway if you buy it from the store. Do those #10 cans hold up for 30 years?
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby tn-dave » Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:17 am

AGCoinHunter wrote:Wow, tn-dave great link. I will be ordering from them. Prices are not too bad also once you take into account of the free shipping. Sales tax stinks but you pay that anyway if you buy it from the store. Do those #10 cans hold up for 30 years?

I think so AG.. I will check the pantry tonight when I get home to see if mine have EXP dates stamped.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby involuntary tentacle » Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:12 pm

on the cans i have, the packing date is printed on the top or the bottom of the can. the label says 30+ years on it.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby tn-dave » Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:12 pm

inv. tentacle, my cans are packed this way also....
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Verbane » Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:41 am

tn-dave wrote: Not sure how the price compares to buying locally

This is from the LDS site:
How much will each can hold?
Fill volume of a #10 can is approximately .82 gallon. The weight varies by product. For example, a #10 can holds 5.8 pounds (2.6 kg) of wheat, 5.7 pounds (2.6 kg) of white rice, or 4.1 pounds (2.3 kg) of nonfat, instant dry milk.

White rice, 6 cans at ~5.7lbs is 34.2lbs for $30.75. Thats about 0.89 cents per pound, packaged for 30+ year storage, and as AGCoin mentioned free shipping.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby shinnosuke » Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:30 am

involuntary tentacle, I am very sorry you had a bad experience at the LDS cannery. Why? Because I am LDS. I go to the cannery in San Antonio frequently. I was just there yesterday in fact and was told that they recently had a group of people in doing some canning and not one of them was Mormon. So I think you might have run into somebody who was either new on the job or just not fully aware of the policy. Either way, I will represent my church and apologize. We are not all the south end of a north bound mule.

The cannery is a wonderful resource. We have been teaching self-reliance since the Great Depression era. We have also been telling this joke for years:
How does a Mormon prepare for the stink hitting the fan? He stores a lot of food.
How does a Catholic prepare for the stink hitting the fan? He keeps a list of all the Mormons in the neighborhood and plenty of bullets for his .357.

The cannery sells mostly life-sustaining items. Nothing really fancy, but it is tasty enough. If anybody wants to buy something, just send me a PM. I would be glad to help out. We'll have to figure out what to do about the shipping costs. Preparation is essential and while precious metals are a great part of any portfolio, you can't eat them.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Devil Soundwave » Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:54 am

Whilst not a firm believer myself (the UK is by and large a fairly athiest/agnostic country despite what the Church of England would like people to believe) , I have no problem with any religion provided it enriches peoples lives and doesn't encourage them to blow other people up.

I'm really keen on what the LDS do, I think the canneries are an excellent idea and encouraging others to prep is to be commended. I was excited to see from that website link that I could select UK, but alas, the food items do not ship outside North America. Booo.

Unfortunately for me, the LDS movement is much smaller in the UK, so the likelihood of me being able to utilise a cannery or buy stuff is slim.

Guess I'll keep relying upon der Germans at Aldi/Lidl for cheap eats. :)
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby justoneguy » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:44 am

i went to the denver LDS cannery today.
they were very friendly, + went out of their wat to help me.
great prices on on lot of items, + the only place i know of without expensive shipping.
they told me to come back + bring all my friends too.
No push on mormanism? at all from them.
a big thanks to involuntary tentacle for this link.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Mossy » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:56 pm

Devil Soundwave wrote:Unfortunately for me, the LDS movement is much smaller in the UK, so the likelihood of me being able to utilise a cannery or buy stuff is slim.


Gee, too bad you don't have internet access or you could use Google to look up

England LDS missions

and email one near you about whether they have any canneries. :lol:
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby AGCoinHunter » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:32 pm

Just purchased a starter kit and some oxygen absorber packets off their website. Figured I would test it out and see how I liked their stuff with the starter kit. The oxygen packets are going toward my drying operation that will commence with my new Nesco dehydrator I ordered this week. 12 cents a oxygen pack is better than I could find online.

If I like it I might visit a cannery, there is one within about 20 miles of my house.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Devil Soundwave » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:03 pm

Mossy wrote:
Devil Soundwave wrote:Unfortunately for me, the LDS movement is much smaller in the UK, so the likelihood of me being able to utilise a cannery or buy stuff is slim.


Gee, too bad you don't have internet access or you could use Google to look up

England LDS missions

and email one near you about whether they have any canneries. :lol:

Good point wise guy. ;)
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Mossy » Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:08 pm

Devil Soundwave wrote:Good point wise guy. ;)
Darn. I was trying for "Smart adze".
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby frugalcanuck » Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:01 pm

We have the LDS churches here in Canada but I cant find much info on them canning in Canada and I read they dont ship their catalogue products to Canada
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby Devil Soundwave » Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:59 pm

frugalcanuck wrote:We have the LDS churches here in Canada but I cant find much info on them canning in Canada and I read they dont ship their catalogue products to Canada

Which products? The food?

"Food items cannot be shipped to addresses outside the United States and Canada."

Thus implies they WILL ship to Canada. :) ... -1__195866
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby frugalcanuck » Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:58 pm

Good sound argument Devil Soundwave. I do believe I was wrong about shipping to Canada.
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Re: LDS Cannery

Postby crash » Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:04 am

The beans i ordered came in Tuesday. I think it's a great deal for food that can last for 30 years. My only criticism was that the FedEx delivery came without needing a signature so it was just dropped off at my house during the middle of the day. There is an online option that allows you to pick it up at the local FedEx site, though. I just didn't realize it until it was dropped off while it was at work. It's still a great deal & I plan on ordering again, I'll just be a little smarter this time.
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