What will you do with the gift of extra time you have (due to COVID-19) to use at least part of it wisely?
Disclaimer: I realize some doctors, nurses and others are thinking “What extra time?”
But there are many others who are working from home and may not have as much to do. Still others won’t have a job to go to at all. Also, with sports, concerts, gatherings of many types and even church being cancelled (Mormons and perhaps others to follow), that creates a lot of extra time. Even Disneyland and Disneyworld are being shut down til the smoke clears.
So what do you do with at least part of the extra time so this gift doesn’t go to waste? A few ideas: Learn more about the stock market for when the big buying opportunity arises in perhaps a few months, finally get around to sorting some coins to separate keepers from culls, start another hobby, learn more about prepping type skills, clean out a closet, attic or basement, start a garden, and many more. So what will you do?
P.S. I am modifying my inventory of food in case of an extended stay home or a need to go elsewhere on short notice. Also, I have lots of yard work to do and will need to at least partially clean up my home office.