mongo wrote:Congrats on your new gun purchase. I hope and pray that you never have to use it on anybody. One thing you will want to do is check your state laws on when deadly force is justified. i live in Missouri and we have the castle doctrine here which says you are justified in useing deadly force IF CERTAIN CRITERIA IS MET. Its good for you to arm yourself with knowledge because if you ever have to do that then you know the law and the hassle factor goes way down. Also something to remember if it ever comes to that is you only need to say 2 things. #1 I felt like my life was in danger and #2 I want to speak to my attorney. Nothing more because what you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
From Missouri as well. Where abouts? Close to the KC area myself, but NOT in KC, hehe. Our state is a great state for self defence. Fairly easy to meet the criteria for justified homicide.
In a self defence shooting, you don't "feel" like you life was in danger. Your life WAS in danger. You NEVER speak to the police without a lawyer, ever. Nothing good can be gained from doing it. Also request an ambulance for yourself after the shooting.
p.s. Welcome.