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Just In Time: When the Trucks Stop, America Will Stop

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:08 am
by Redneck
Just In Time: When the Trucks Stop, America Will Stop (With Immediate and Catastrophic Consequences) ... es-111081/


Re: Just In Time: When the Trucks Stop, America Will Stop

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:41 pm
by SilverEye
Our society is a highly complex mechanism with a lot of moving parts. And if any one of those parts breaks down, the whole thing goes pear shaped real quick. I believe a threat that no one is talking about is the potential for state-sponsored hackers (think China, or terrorist-hired Eastern Europeans) could take down our credit / debit card infrastructure for a couple weeks. That would cause us one heck of a headache. And they wouldn't have to fire a shot or even leave the comfort of their easy chairs.

Re: Just In Time: When the Trucks Stop, America Will Stop

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:06 pm
by fb101
Yes. You need cash in a safe deposit box or your backyard enough for a couple of weeks.

Re: Just In Time: When the Trucks Stop, America Will Stop

PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:34 pm
by Mossy
fb101 wrote:Yes. You need cash in a safe deposit box or your backyard enough for a couple of weeks.

Need more than that. No amount of money will buy what's not around, so I'd say at a minimum a one month supply of all essentials. I'm building up to a year supply. Beans and rice are cheap, oats less so.

Re: Just In Time: When the Trucks Stop, America Will Stop

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:38 pm
by Nickelless
fb101 wrote:Yes. You need cash in a safe deposit box or your backyard enough for a couple of weeks.

A safe deposit box is the worst possible place to put cash. Horror stories abound of boxes that have been raided by bank insiders, and in a best-case scenario, if there's a bank holiday or other reason that a bank is closed at any given time, you can't get your cash when you need it. Invest in a fire-resistant safe and hide it behind a bunch of clutter. Here's an article I wrote a couple years ago about how to hide valuables: ... art-2.html