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Reporting self-defense shootings when the SHTF

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:09 am
by Nickelless
I just got to a down-grid situation, maybe temporary, maybe long-term, but in the midst of fecal matter hitting the fan, what would be the expectation and/or protocol of reporting self-defense killings when in such situations law enforcement could be overwhelmed? I know that many of us are expecting the post-crash chaos to make Katrina look like a picnic when the dollar finally dies, and probably very few of us are planning to wait for police to arrive to "help" us, but in such cases where people have had to shoot someone in self-defense when the S has HTF, what course of action should be taken especially if chaos is everywhere and the grid is down and electronic communications are rendered ineffective?

Re: Reporting self-defense shootings when the SHTF

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:21 am
by Engineer
That depends on whether you want the official answer or a realistic answer. The official answer would probably be something similar to how cities handle traffic accident reporting during snow/ice storms. Just report it as soon as possible considering the conditions.

Realistically, I'd imagine that most would go unreported.

Re: Reporting self-defense shootings when the SHTF

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:01 am
by reddirtcoins
That's what I think.

Re: Reporting self-defense shootings when the SHTF

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:35 am
by justoneguy
buy some 50lb bags of lime.
of course it's just for the outhouse. ;)

Re: Reporting self-defense shootings when the SHTF

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:07 pm
by SilverEye
It depends on how strong law enforcement is in your town after SHTF. Police are paid with tax dollars, and if the dollar becomes worthless, then what will the police be paid with? Perhaps the "police" will be just one of several factions competing for power.

If we do get in a SHTF situation, I do think there will still be police, just a much more limited service. It will be as simple as what originally happened with the Martin/Zimmerman case, before the media and rabble rousers got hold of it. Citizen shoots evildoer, citizen calls police, police arrive and take a report, body removed, next of kin notified, life goes on.

Re: Reporting self-defense shootings when the SHTF

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:05 pm
by Mossy
I cannot re locate the article, but it seems there are about two dozen unsolved murders left over from the Rodney King riots. About a half dozen might have actually been shot by people protecting their homes or stores, and about the same number were officially from drive by shootings. Hard to say. About three sounded like looters caught inside stores that were burning.

In the suggested situation, justice will go back to the oldest way: police response will depend on who the dead person is, and who killed him, and have little to do with the present legal system.

Re: Reporting self-defense shootings when the SHTF

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:36 pm
by hobo finds
Hang them up in front of your house with a note so other intruders will know there fate! ;)