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Preps came in handy today

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:24 am
by Silversound
I've had a few small situations where having preps has come in handy, and today was one of them. Apparently my landlady forgot to pay the water bill and halfway through the day our water was shut off! Fortunately I have a few 5-gallon jugs of drinking water stored and was able to pull one out to cover my drinking and cooking needs. Not a huge emergency, but really saved me from having to be pissed off about not having water and yet another example of how being prepared can save you in a pinch.


Re: Preps came in handy today

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:45 pm
by Nickelless
That happened to me two years ago when I bought my house. I forgot to call the water company to have the water switched over in my name, so I was without water for about 36 hours. My cases of bottled water paid off!