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Nineteen "Must Read" pdf files on topics of concern!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:19 pm
by Copper Catcher
Here is a link to get to all the files listed:

I would recomend you downloading the files and save it to your hard drive!

Black Out ~ The Top 11 Threats To The Power Grid

Over A Barrel ~ How The Coming Oil Crisis Will Destroy Life in America As We Know It

Peak Water ~ Why Clean, Safe Water Could Soon Be As Valuable As Oil

Meat Hunter ~ How To Feed Your Family With Your Gun

Food Shock ~ Dangerous New Trends Creating Conditions For Shortages and Riots

Why Silver Is The New Gold ~ Seven Silver Secrets Wall Street and The Government Do Not Want You To Know About Silver

Cut Your Electric Bills In Half ~ Slash your electric bill by up to 50% starting immediately!

Stick To Your Guns ~ How To Legally Carry Firearms (Almost) Anywhere, Anytime

Supermarket Survival ~ Ruthlessly Slash Your Grocery Bills In Half

Cash Garden ~ Beat Inflation In Your Own Backyard

Greener Pastures ~ How To Find Your Second Country

Protect Your Perimeter ~ How To Keep Your Property Safe In Uncertain Times

Smart Meters ~ A 21st Century Technology, A 21st Century Threat

Crisis Cooling ~ How To Keep Your Milk, Meat and Medicines Cool In A Power Outage

Gone Before You Get There ~ 77 Items You Must Haveā€¦ That Instantly Vanish From Store Shelves In A Panic

Bank Run ~ Actions You Must Take When The Markets Get Spooked

Breaking and Entering ~ How the Collapsing Economy Is Creating A New Crime Wave and What You Can Do About It To Protect Your Family and Home

Survival Shotgun ~ The Ultimate Guide To Extreme Self Defense

Vaccination Nation ~ The Dangerous Truth About America's Slow-Kill Agenda

Re: Nineteen "Must Read" pdf files on topics of concern!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:44 pm
by frugalcanuck
Awsome stuff
If you have any more post them on here. Love the audio ones

Re: Nineteen "Must Read" pdf files on topics of concern!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:27 am
by Numis Pam
Wow!! Thanks CC :thumbup: :D