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Join the NRA basically for FREE!!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:36 am
by tractorman
I have always been a gun owner, but I'm embarrassed to say that I only recently became a member of the NRA. Why didn't I join sooner? Too cheap? Too cowardly? "I don't want them to know I have a gun"? Did I think: "I don't have the kind of weapon they are after"; not realizing they may come for my Daisy Red Ryder some day? Just too lazy and complacent? Perhaps all of the above.

Out of an estimated 75 million gun owners in the country, the NRA membership numbers only about 4.3 million. Obviously, the few carry the water for the many benefactors. I have decided that I will help carry my load now and in the future. I am posting this to implore you to do the same.

Here is a link to a current offer ... NRA membership (usually $35) is only $25 and, using this link, you get a $25 gift card to BassPro Shop. Now THAT is a deal!!

If we come together and swell the ranks of the #1 organization that fights the battles for our Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights, we have a FAR better chance of winning the day! Please join today!!!!!