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What I CAN do, what I AM doing - What about YOU?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:25 pm
by Z00
I am only one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
What I can do, I should do.
And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do."

--Edward Everett Hale, son of Nathan Hale--

I am only keeping enough money in the corrupt banking
system to pay the monthly bills. Starve the big TBTF banks
out of the business of gambling with other peoples money.
Use Credit Unions or small community local banks. Many of
the same services are available from them as the big
nationwide mega-banks.

I am stacking a supply of precious and base metals to help in
case of an economic meltdown or rampant inflation. As my
income is solely from Social Security, I cannot trust that it will
be there in the future or, if it is, wont be greatly diminished in
purchasing power.

I am buying in bulk and storing foodstuffs with the goal of
having a 2+ year supply on hand. This is a hedge against the
rising cost of food and a supply in case of an emergency
when the grocery store shelves are barren. You do not have to
buy the pricey stuff to start this. This can be done with
everyday items for the first years supply and with long term
freeze dried and dehydrated stock for beyond that.

I am stocking up on "off grid" supplies to enable life to go on
in case of a power disruption or natural disaster that makes
electric heat and appliances unusable . Think propane for the
short term and solar for the long term.

I am gathering a supply of other materials to have protection
for myself and my property. Too long a list to go into here.

I am slowly decreasing my public exposure. I do not
participate in any of the "social media" sites where people
post their daily and often hourly lives.

These are things I can do. So I am doing them.

How about you? What can you do? What are you doing?
Or are you waiting for tomorrow to start?
There is never a more right time to start than today.

If you wait for the opportune moment, you will be caught with
your butt in your hand (and no toilet paper) one day and
cursing yourself for being too lazy to address the issues