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The invaluable Bic lighter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:00 am
by merchoarder
Lighters don't seem to get much discussion here but to me, it seems like a no brainer. Perhaps that's why it's not discussed, the whole common knowledge thing. There's literally billions of them out there and they readily available, but in a SHTF situation, for how long? Arguably one of the best survival tools available and everyone should probably have a few around. I am a smoker (yeah, yeah, I know) so I always have one on me but a few of my non-smoker friends carry them as well. You never know when a pretty lady will ask for a light. But anyway...
They are cheap, lightweight, and have a long shelf life. Most importantly, they are a fire starter. They also work for light, opening beer bottles :) and endless other uses. I prefer Bics, reliable and practically indestructible. It's probably a good idea to have a Zippo as well. They run on many different fuels but you need back up flints, etc. For roughly a buck for a Bic it's hard to go wrong. Seems like must for every BOB, maybe could be a good barter item too. Next time your in Sams or wherever, might not be a bad idea to pick up a few.

Re: The invaluable Bic lighter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:10 am
by NotABigDeal
On Bics.... There are at least two different ones. Some are made I the USA, others are made in France. I've found that if you buy the 5 or the 5+1 pack they are US made. A lot of the singles sold in stores appear to be French made.

I only use Bic lighters and I do not even smoke. I personally think that they are putting less fuel in them.

Sure, I have flint and steel, and a few other "old school" methods to start a fire, but nothing beats a Bic....


Re: The invaluable Bic lighter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:59 am
by johnbrickner
We got Zippo. In a SHTF scenario I'd think the technology required to produce and compress butane into a "lighter" would be much higher than the Zippo technology. Perhaps it's possible to make a "Bic" like fire starter from methane which is low tech. But it seems to me it would be more like a flame thrower than a lighter. Actually I've barely got a clue here.

Regarding the Zippo, it looks like you can distill Naphtha from waste plastic at about 230 degrees f. (I wonder if that could include waste plastic from Bic lighters?) After that all you need is a spark making shard or sparker and your "Zippo" or something like it is up and running. I'm also taking an educated guess you can also distill Naphtha from the residual tar from the pyrolysis process of wood, not to mention a number of other important products.

But, I'm no engineer and I'm no organic chemist so I'm sure there are some here with way more knowledge on the subject than I. Perhaps they could comment and provide a more detailed presentation of the required knowledge? And yes, I'm stirring the pot for a Bic vs Zippo in a long-term low tech SHTF scenario. :)

Re: The invaluable Bic lighter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:44 pm
by merchoarder
Interesting points. I had no idea some were made in the states and some in France. Is there any noticeable differences? I haven't really noticed less fuel in them but it certainly would not surprise me, fits the trend of everything else.

As for Zippos, I am a fan of them as well. I am only about twenty miles away from where they are all manufactured so there are plenty around! Also very interesting about the Naphta. I may have to look into that, certainly no matter what happens there will always be plenty of plastic around. That could be a useful skill.

As for a Bic vs. Zippo debate, I absolutely agree that in a long term, low tech situation Zippo is the way to go. There isn't any real way to "fix" or refill a Bic, when it's done it's done. My main point was that with a minimum shelf life of about 5 years (I think 10+ is closer) why not have ten or twenty around, or more for possible barter. Hell, you can always take the flint out of your Bic and use it in your Zippo 8-)

Re: The invaluable Bic lighter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:19 pm
by 68Camaro
Why debate? Buy both! (I did)

Re: The invaluable Bic lighter

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:58 pm
by Recyclersteve
Merchoarder: This sounds like a VERY interesting idea. I love things like this that are cheap and provide great utility.

Re: The invaluable Bic lighter

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:12 am
by NotABigDeal
Actually, you can refill a Bic. Probably not the correct or best way to do it, but I've done it in the past. Been a few years, but you can refill it through the part that releases the gas. Like a reverse operation, minus the fire or course, hehe.


Re: The invaluable Bic lighter

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:53 pm
by Shazbot57
I have a few around, along with waterproof matches, but in a pinch if you have them, you can use steel wool and a 9v battery. Just swipe the steel wool over the battery contacts and you have fire! (just don't store steel wool in contact with the battery contact points). The steel wool should ignite immediately, so be careful. That's my MacGyver advice for the day!

Re: The invaluable Bic lighter

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:50 am
by johnbrickner
Thanks for your support in this debate Merc. My wife's family is from Olean and we check out the Zippo factory in Bradford on occasion. Kinda cool place to visit.

I'm going to fire a broadside into the supporters (without malice) of the Bic ship on this debate with the following: ... n#t-197953

Check out at 3:14 and 3:29 into the TED video. Bad Bic, Bad Bad Bic, hurting poor baby albatross. LOL