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Emergency Rendezvous

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:23 pm
by Merwanseth
With all the natural and man-made disasters that have been happening recently, I think it's a good time to remind ourselves to think about and plan an emergency rendezvous with family and others.

It seems pretty unlikely that the electrical grid, cell phone grid and land line grid all would fail at once. But stranger things have happened... In case you are separated from family and others and an event occurs that makes it impossible to temporarily contact them or stay at your home, have a pre-planned (hopefully safe) place to rendezvous nearby. And if that first place seems unsafe or unavailable, have a "plan B" place further away.

Also, in case all else fails, have a pre-planned relative or friend in a different part of the country for everyone to contact and give information to. That way, when communications are back up, information can be easily and quickly shared.

Most of you are probably aware of this information if you keep up with any "survival" - type information. But in case you haven't thought about it lately, it's a good idea to update these plans with family and friends.

If anyone has any other related suggestions please share what you wish...

Re: Emergency Rendezvous

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:01 pm
by Somnophore
Coronal mass ejection, 1989 parts of canada lost power due to a small one as it would have disrupted any mobile networks if they existed.

A large one would knock out power and mobile networks etc, and could lead to looting etc so it can happen, we never truly know what our sun is going to do.

Re: Emergency Rendezvous

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:50 pm
by didou
Somnophore wrote:Coronal mass ejection, 1989 parts of canada lost power due to a small one as it would have disrupted any mobile networks if they existed.

A large one would knock out power and mobile networks etc, and could lead to looting etc so it can happen, we never truly know what our sun is going to do.

That was bad it knocked down a big part of the grid, very likely to happen again. A solar storm that happen March 13, 1989 and the electrical company is Hydro-Québec, if someone want to know more about it, would be easy to find more.