You have a large audience, don't waste it, take advantage of it to finance the website and it's (future) development. I would like to see all the store made by RealCent member, that is not a advertisement that i would hate to have if it's well done (only from realcent member not outsider and normalized color so the page won't look like a 11 year old flashy unreadable scrap book). Also i think some member here would like the extra advertisement and visitor that would come to their website.
Many people may come from search engine or are new to these idea or understand them but don't have time to read and participate in the whole thing. They may want only to buy some metal.
Realcent member will be allow to pay to get a space on the forum/blog/wiki to advertised their own website where they sell coins.
It could be a all-win situation, that is currently wasted.
So ya or na ?